View Full Version : Lots of progress made, now how to deal with the rest!

04-18-2008, 09:25 PM
I have gotten so much better at dealing with my anxiety. At least dealing with the panic. I am basically aware of everything I touch. If it has a spot on it or a smudge and god forbid it is red or looks like some sort of bodily fluid, I am afraid I could have contracted a disease from it. Every time I touch some surface I have to look at it and if there's something on it I get scared. I use lots of hand sanitizer. I am very aware of every time I touch my eyes or nose.

Since I have started meditating and really focusing on being calm and trying to not give my irrational thoughts any energy I have felt so much better. I dont panic as much anymore, I am happier, and the intrusive thoughts don't have as much effect on me. But they're still there. Now that I am over the first challenge, does anyone have thoughts on getting rid of the thoughts all together? Do you think they may go away, or lessen on their own if I continue on this path?

04-19-2008, 02:29 AM
The key thing to remember here is that recovery takes time. And things are not just going to suddenly improve. Remember that having these intrusive thoughts has, over time, become a habit for you. In other words, you have had PLENTY of practice doing this. So even if you have lost ALOT of fear of these thoughts, they will probably continue for a while. Continue to do what you are doing, and be patient.