View Full Version : My day

03-20-2014, 11:50 PM
Usually I'll take a Xanax before leaving the house for the first time. & then I don't need another all day. Today.. I didn't take one at all.

I think I wanted to test myself. See how I would be without relying on Xanax to be at my rescue. I made it through it, panic free :)

Lately though, I'll wake up with shaky hands. Not sure why. I started taking Tylenol PM for sleep so I'm thinking that's maybe what it is?? Idk.

Anyways, I had a good day but it ended emotional for me.. I'm missing my boyfriend extremely bad. & then I get angry because I want my pills to take their full effect on me so I can go home.. I did some writing in my journal & I feel a little better..

Now it's my favorite time.. Tea time :)
Goodnight my friends, try & rest easy!

03-21-2014, 11:30 AM
Great success Broooklllyynnnn!!!
Shaky hands (try drinking some OJ the minute you get up..could just be lowered blood sugar, and maybe from the meds...
It seems like you're doing well though overall, give it abit more time and you'll be back home..

Have a good day dear!

Enduronman... :)

03-21-2014, 11:33 AM
WOW!!! Great success Broooklllyynnnn!!! Shaky hands (try drinking some OJ the minute you get up..could just be lowered blood sugar, and maybe from the meds... It seems like you're doing well though overall, give it abit more time and you'll be back home.. Have a good day dear! Enduronman... :)

Thanks friend :)

I'll get some OJ today!

I am doing a lot better than I was.. But I feel like I'm not experiencing the full effect of my meds yet so I'm excited to see how it'll be a week or two from now! :)

You have a good day as well!