View Full Version : How to become GREAT in life!

03-20-2014, 10:12 PM
My simple perspective on being great and becoming great:

I believe if we have something great, if we feel great, we can feel it again. Again, again, and again. One of the best things i've done to help my anxiety and my daily fight with it, is learning about great figures in history. All of the people you see that are great, they're seen to be fearless and confident. The truth is, is that this is further from the truth. Most people that have achieved something great in life, have made the greatest sacrifices. A lot of these people have failed their way to success, gone through bankruptcy, divorce, loss of friends or family.

I believe our society has taught us to have instant-gratification. We see rich people on T.V, and we instantly assume they're invincible. I did, before I studied others. Sometimes I still do. I think things are too good to be true for others, but the truth is, that's not the case at all. Every one of use is born to be something great, whether you believe it or not. There's an inner-child, a voice, screaming from within that's being repressed from anxiety. Because sometimes the biggest thing we fear is ourselves.

You are NOT alone. You are NOT worthless. You are NOT pathetic. I'll tell you what you are though. You're stronger than anyone else, because of your individual experience and confronting your own demons day after day. We all just have our own versions, that's all.

From personal experience, I think to become great in life isn't always about what you do. But it's the attitude you use to do those things, even if you may fail.

Have a beautiful night/day. :]

03-20-2014, 10:20 PM
That was put absolutely amazingly, I'm so glad I read that! Thank-you.