View Full Version : New to site, worries.

03-20-2014, 07:45 PM
Hello, I'm new to this website and thought it would be a good idea to talk out some of my
worries. So first off, I have generalized anxiety disorder. Worry about everything and anything no
matter how ridiculous. My concerns at the moment are the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Then also my parents and just health in general. My dad had a recent health scare that turned out fine but it really made
me realize how real health issues are. Also with my brother and wanting my parents to be there for him way into their elder years. Then also about the conflict in Ukraine just kinda worries me because I fear of another world war or something.

03-20-2014, 07:46 PM
Hello, I'm new to this website and thought it would be a good idea to talk out some of my worries. So first off, I have generalized anxiety disorder. Worry about everything and anything no matter how ridiculous. My concerns at the moment are the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Then also my parents and just health in general. My dad had a recent health scare that turned out fine but it really made me realize how real health issues are. Also with my brother and wanting my parents to be there for him way into their elder years. Then also about the conflict in Ukraine just kinda worries me because I fear of another world war or something.

Welcome! :)

Where are you from??

03-20-2014, 07:51 PM
Hey there. This too shall pass! Every day there are so many war situations going on around the world, the only reason everybody knows about the Ukraine situation so much is because media has blown it up, not taking into consideration people like yourself and I who will worry about this stuff all day and night until it's over. You just need to think in the moment, for everything - stop worrying about war, death, family health and live in the now...:) whatever happens, happens. The only thing we can do about it is change the way we see it.

03-20-2014, 11:19 PM
I'm from Wisconsin. Madison to be exact. Yes I realize the news has over exaggerated this case in Ukraine.