View Full Version : On the up

03-20-2014, 03:56 PM
Second therapy session today, and after being a bit sceptical at first, my mind opened up half way through the session and I saw things that I didn't realise were right in front of me. The system works!!!!!!

03-20-2014, 03:59 PM
Second therapy session today, and after being a bit sceptical at first, my mind opened up half way through the session and I saw things that I didn't realise were right in front of me. The system works!!!!!!

Nice to be able to see recovery on the horizon

Good to hear


03-20-2014, 03:59 PM
Second therapy session today, and after being a bit sceptical at first, my mind opened up half way through the session and I saw things that I didn't realise were right in front of me. The system works!!!!!!

Glad to hear you had a good session! The lightbulb turning on is a really good feeling isn't it'
