View Full Version : Derealization/ Depersonalization, how do you guys deal/get rid of this

03-20-2014, 01:50 PM
Hi guys, me again. After my panic attacks, I became hypochondriac. I always thought that my slightly blurry vision and my loss of emotion is due to health issues. After multiple visits to numerous doctors (ENT, ER, 2 GPs and a blood test), it appears that I am completely healthy..at least physically. Mentally, I am doing better since my first panic attack but I still have a long way to go.

I think I am suffering from Derealizaiton/ Depersonalization. I have a slightly blurry vision since my panic attack (not blurry enough to be something worth of concern), I get very light headaches, I am sensitive to light and the worst part: I always feel like life is a dream. There was a time that I was completely emotionless and I felt life had no meaning. However, it's improving. I do feel joy/sadness for very short periods of time but I just can't get out of this feeling where I feel that life is a dream. Any suggestions?

03-20-2014, 02:12 PM
Try eating if you're hungry, or doing some form of exercise, it can help.

03-20-2014, 02:20 PM
Listen to me and listen to me carefully. This is what you need to do:

- It's nothing dangerous or harmful.
- Stop thinking of it - it only feeds it more.
- ACCEPT IT'S FROM THE ANXIETY - This is important. Always remember this is from the anxiety, nothing else.
- Keep on living your life normally, even though everything feels like a dream. You're not going to lose control, not matter how hard you try.

The longer you focus on it, the longer it will stay. So stop focusing on it and focus on finding a way to deal with your anxiety instead.

03-20-2014, 02:30 PM
Listen to me and listen to me carefully. This is what you need to do:

- It's nothing dangerous or harmful.
- Stop thinking of it - it only feeds it more.
- ACCEPT IT'S FROM THE ANXIETY - This is important. Always remember this is from the anxiety, nothing else.
- Keep on living your life normally, even though everything feels like a dream. You're not going to lose control, not matter how hard you try.

The longer you focus on it, the longer it will stay. So stop focusing on it and focus on finding a way to deal with your anxiety instead.

I defeated some parts of my anxiety. The hypochondria seems to get better everyday, I can control panic attacks and I don't have irrational fears any more...i just hate this 24/7 dream-like feeling though and I feel depressed because of it when I wake up in the morning.

03-20-2014, 02:37 PM
I defeated some parts of my anxiety. The hypochondria seems to get better everyday, I can control panic attacks and I don't have irrational fears any more...i just hate this 24/7 dream-like feeling though and I feel depressed because of it when I wake up in the morning.

Great! Progress! Happy for you! :)

It'll go away. Just stop thinking of it, the more you focus on it, the more you feed it. Basically, live your life as you would without it. Give it some time and it'll fade away, you'll see. Just don't focus on it. Easier said than done, I know. But try to distract yourself.

03-20-2014, 02:46 PM
Listen to me and listen to me carefully. This is what you need to do:

- It's nothing dangerous or harmful.
- Stop thinking of it - it only feeds it more.
- ACCEPT IT'S FROM THE ANXIETY - This is important. Always remember this is from the anxiety, nothing else.
- Keep on living your life normally, even though everything feels like a dream. You're not going to lose control, not matter how hard you try.

The longer you focus on it, the longer it will stay. So stop focusing on it and focus on finding a way to deal with your anxiety instead.

Future anxiety hunter here. Nice advice!