View Full Version : Can OCD cause fatigue and weakenss

03-20-2014, 05:51 AM
A little background info, I am 20 yr old male. Fitness enthusiast. I have done sports my whole life
I was a decent wrestler placing at state in high school, a marine currently in the reserves, and now I move to lift weights seriously and have added 35 pounds of muscle to my frame the last 6 months.
My OCD and anxiety presented itself around 2nd grade as germiphobia, or even before that as separate and social anxiety in early school but this can be a normal issue for most kids that age. Then it disappeared throughout middle school until freshman year I developed body issue image out of nowhere I was Lean and fit. Not fat not scrawny am average guy. I had exercise bulimia I would punish myself for eating by working out intense 2-3 tomes a day 7 days a week. I saw therapist and for over this by end if freshman year. I still dealt with some thoughts of it occasionally but managed to keep them in control. Then my senior year I started getting extreme muscle weskenss and fatigue. My limbs were heavy, couldn't workout no matter how well I are or rested. I thought I overtrained so I rested a whole month same back and same thing weskenss and fatigue. Also insomnia and IBS diarhea in particular.
Well eventually it for better and I wet to marine boot camp. Been 3 years since then. I still notcie occasional fatigue and weskenss. Like I can't handle as much exercise now. I am a certified trainer and health but I know howto eat and train. I am surrounded by bodybuilders as well so I hav some knowledge on this aspect. But no matter how well I do I seem to have low exercise tolerance. Could OCD and anxiety cause it? Could it be high cortisol from anxiety? I hve some amazing energyyyy and just plain horrible ones. Also I am always tired in the day. Only have energy and morning or night.

I got blood work and the only thing came back high was ck enzymes but that's Becasue I lift weights so tj muscle is damaged after workouts.

Ps I turned to AAS mainly testosterone and this has helped my energy and anxiety as well.
Yes I know the risks of AAS but it's my body. AAS=anabolic steroids

04-01-2014, 07:48 PM
Hate threads with zero replies.

Going from my own OCD and anxiety experiences, I'd say your assumption was probably correct about stress being behind your problem.

Constant stress such as OCD and anxiety, which can linger in you all day can also tax the adrenals, which may be why you feel bad during the day but can pick up energy at other times. Some B complex may help if you can tolerate it, and vitamin c.

Sleeping before 10:30 and meditating too. If you don't already!