View Full Version : New to this

03-19-2014, 09:42 PM
I have now been having anxiety for awhile, which I believe to be Gad. I get many many uncomfortable symptoms, some including headaches EVERYDAY, dizziness/lightheadness most days, fast heart rate, chest pains and really bad insomnia. I try to realize most of my thoughts are irrational but they keep coming back with various symptoms, and stressing me out again. I spend most of everyday worrying about my health. I am terrified of and obsessed with worrying about strokes and heart attacks caused by my anxiety, which is extremely ironic. I am in college and I find it really hard to focus when I am always worryng. I used to be very outgoing and happy but now im always tired and blah. Ive been to a counsellor and it sometimes helps... I think I need to use the techniques everyday. I have not yet tried medication and I would prefer not to. I am hoping to beat this terrible time in my life.I have had 3 checkups. First was actually a ER visit with my first panic attack, I had X-rays and cat scans and blood work... Everything was good. My second was with my family doctor who did blood work and took my BP... Everything was perfect. My third was today and again my BP was good and she claimed my daily headaches were anxiety related. I am worried though my chronic anxiety will make me ill or something.

03-19-2014, 09:49 PM
try to stay away from meds if you can. i have had this a long time if you would like some advice or just want to talk i will help any way i can

Fight the stress
03-19-2014, 09:50 PM
Welcome to everyone, may you enjoy this very moment and hold this very feeling of being free and released from all that hold you back. Peace, love and light!