View Full Version : losing my mind for real

03-19-2014, 07:42 PM
What is the best ssri or same type of medication. Not for health anxiety. But just I guess I'm sick of my heart rate jumping to 160 and the effects my body feels. That's what I'm scared of..benzos are the only thing that touch it, and I do not want to be down that road. I can barely dress or feed myself some days and I need a way to feel better about it or I'm going to lose it. I am not suicidal, but if the good Lord decided to take me home while I was sleeping...at this point I wouldn't argue, I don't have much fight left. And I need to get it back. And that starts with getting courage about my true medical problems. That doctors agree are not my food allergies, ny food allergies make my problem worse.

03-19-2014, 07:53 PM
Can you get your doc to prescribe a beta blocker?

03-19-2014, 07:57 PM
What is the bestest ssri but not for health anxiety?? Did I read that right??
As far as the jumpy heart rates then beta blockers would be best for that but doesnt your heart rate get pretty low if I remember right??
I sense you're afraid also of getting addicted to benzo's??? Which one do you have and does it help??

I have some ideas..I also know what I think the best ssri is too and always a starting point for which I would personally work from..
Don't give up yet friend!!!...

Enduronman.. :)

03-19-2014, 08:00 PM
Beta blockers make my bp too low. I am just so frustrated no Damn doctor will take me.serious. I can't fucking stand up!!!!!

03-19-2014, 08:02 PM
Beta blockers make my bp too low. I am just so frustrated no Damn doctor will take me.serious. I can't fucking stand up!!!!!

Maybe klonopin? I know you don't want benzos, but out of all of them, klonopin is better for long term use.

03-19-2014, 08:06 PM
yer good luck with that .

I know plenty of people who have taken this med at a low dose for 5+ years and have tapered off slowly with no issues. Trust me, I was scared to start benzos too. I obsessed thinking I was becoming addicted. When I decide to go off, I will at a snails pace lol

03-19-2014, 08:08 PM
Beta blockers make my bp too low. I am just so frustrated no Damn doctor will take me.serious. I can't fucking stand up!!!!!

Ab's!!! Chillax...we'll get this worked out so you've got a plan dear!!... What do you mean you can't f**king stand up!!???? Because you can't??

Sorry for all the questions friend!!

E-Man... :)

03-19-2014, 08:27 PM
I suffer from tachycardia too, and I had my first major SVT attack after trying Zoloft. I'm not saying it was that med that did it to me, but it was the only thing that changed.i didn't have that issue with Lexapro, but that med gave me major headaches. My body does not do well with SSRIs. So my doc has me in klonopin and Risperdal at night. I know how you feel. Especially with the heart stuff. When it first happened to me, I didn't want to get out of bed because I was so scared my HR would go up.

03-19-2014, 09:43 PM
Is the svt from anxiety? If so, try saffron. They say it works for svt to keep the heart rate normal. I had it from a hernia pressing on my heart.