View Full Version : How is everybody??

Terre Nova
03-19-2014, 03:13 PM
Looking to hear how people are since the month long break i took from the threads???
Hopefully most of you all are making great strides!!

03-19-2014, 03:27 PM
Ive been better. Been having Insane issues with my stomach (IBS, acid reflux, ulcers etc..)and thats been making me stress so much which has flared up the anxiety. . . Hoping it will pass soon.
Hope youre doing good :)

03-19-2014, 03:30 PM
Good to see you and hope you're doing well!
I'm doing ok...YAY!

Have a great day!

Enduronman.. :)

Terre Nova
03-19-2014, 04:11 PM
Ive been better. Been having Insane issues with my stomach (IBS, acid reflux, ulcers etc..)and thats been making me stress so much which has flared up the anxiety. . . Hoping it will pass soon.
Hope youre doing good :)

Oh those stomach issues are the worst! Someone in my house has colitis, so i know all to well how horrible it can be! I hope you can find some relief!! Have you checked out any natural ways to relieve the discomfort?
Hope it gets sorted for you soon vonhelsing!!

Terre Nova
03-19-2014, 04:13 PM
Good to see you and hope you're doing well!
I'm doing ok...YAY!

Have a great day!

Enduronman.. :)

Eman!!! I'm doing a bit better but a bit better is better than not!
Glad to know you're doing ok Eman!
You have a great day too! :)