View Full Version : Monophobia anyone?

03-19-2014, 02:14 PM
Ok, so I've posted on here before about having monophobia (the fear of being alone). I panic the moment I'm left alone. It's miserable, I didn't used to be like this. I take klonopin and my doc just put me on Risperdal. I don't think medication will make this fear go away, only takes the edge of the symptoms of anxiety. I do see a therapist, but I'm not sure she really knows how to treat this. Has anyone ever experienced this? I feel like a freak sometimes ugh

03-19-2014, 02:24 PM
Ok, so I've posted on here before about having monophobia (the fear of being alone). I panic the moment I'm left alone. It's miserable, I didn't used to be like this. I take klonopin and my doc just put me on Risperdal. I don't think medication will make this fear go away, only takes the edge of the symptoms of anxiety. I do see a therapist, but I'm not sure she really knows how to treat this. Has anyone ever experienced this? I feel like a freak sometimes ugh

Your fear just has it's own name

It doesn't matter what you are afraid of. That is what you associate anxiety and panic with

Your mind has made the connection that it needs to be anxious when you are alone

I'm not trying to simplify it because trying to stop a trigger of your anxiety can be tough

You have anxiety. Your anxiety really is a son of a bitch when you are alone

But treating it is the same as many other peoples triggers

When you are alone and you feel the symptoms start, that is when you need to change your thinking

As hard as that can be, realizing it is just anxiety and not that you really are scared to be alone is the first step

When the symptoms start, tell yourself it's anxiety and let it come. It will stop regardless of what you do

The symptoms are anxiety symptoms, not scared to be alone symptoms

When you can accept those thoughts as anxiety and nothing more, you will find yourself dismissing the symptoms and they will stop

Not an overnight fix but slowly working through exposure therapy with the above attitude will get you out of this nonsense

03-19-2014, 02:41 PM
It's not really the fear of being alone, it's more the fear of having attacks when I'm alone. I'm guilty if using others to distract me during an attack. Also, the comfort of knowing someone is there gives me a sense of security. I know my first step is to start trusting myself again. For those of us you have terrible panic attacks, we tend not to think so clearly when we're having them. So in my mind, I think "what if I do something stupid and there's no one here to stop me?" or "what if I pass out and there's no one to call the paramedics?" I know, it's the "what if" thinking that's causing this. All logic in my head says, you will be fine this is ridiculous, but I let my anxiety take over and all logic goes out the window lol.

I just feel so hopeless sometimes.