View Full Version : Anyone else get this after taking extra benzo

03-19-2014, 12:11 PM
Hi everyone,

Just was wondering if anyone else experiences mood changes the next day after taking an extra pill? I usually take .5 of klonopin every day, but the other day I had to take an extra .5 because I was feeling a bit anxious. I have began to realize that the couple days after I have took the extra pill, I'm extremely moody and on edge. Anyone else get this too? Or is it just me?

03-19-2014, 09:05 PM
We're all so different.

I've played around with doses ranging from none a day up to 3mg/day, everything in between .5, etc, etc. My pdoc and I are trying to see how much and what dose to treat my fasciculations and what dose makes a difference either way good or bad. I can say I don't notice any change in mood caused by what I've been doing. That's just me. Hope that helped.

Thanks for the reply :) maybe its just me haha.

Ill be taking an extra one tomorrow for a job interview! Definitely will need one!