View Full Version : Feeling down

03-19-2014, 01:38 AM
I feel like I'm going to die and there is nothing I can do about it.. I'm having shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, my left hand/arm has been numb for over a week.. Have a tight feeling in the left side of my back and whenever I walk my feet feel heavy... Honestly think I'm going to die either tonight or in the next couple of days and I can't do anything to stop it...

03-19-2014, 01:42 AM
Your not going to die I know I've felt exactly the same. Do something to take your mind off these feelings you have listen so music or something. Your going to be ok

03-19-2014, 01:46 AM
I'm trying to take my my mind off it... Kinda hard when you think your going to die. And when you can barely breath... And having chest pains... And not knowing if I have a disease or not because I have not gotten results for my tests in 2 weeks....

03-19-2014, 01:52 AM
I get, pretty much, exactly the same feelings.
Have you been to the doctor? Weirdly my mind was put at ease by the doc telling me that, physically, there's nothing wrong and its the anxiety and stress making me feel like this. It hasn't stopped my anxiety but i can keep telling myself there's nothing physical to worry about.
I find music's great help to relax me. Or just walking around somewhere peaceful.
Also, I fing google earth very theraputic.....you can just go anywhere you like for a little while.
Take care out there

03-19-2014, 02:13 AM
I have been to the doctor AND the hospital.. Its just idk if there's something else wrong with me because the results of my blood and urine tests are not back yet... Currently on Sertraline and I have another appointment on the 24th.. And yes I'm listening to some music to try to relax myself... Actually ranting on here is kinda therapeutic... (Sounds stupid I know) Thanks for the replies helps a ton..

03-19-2014, 02:27 AM
Talking helps lots. I do worry about my mental health at times, also wonder what I'll be like in my old age. It's bloody tough, no one knows exactly how you feel. This forum is good. We are all mostly on Facebook too. See the Facebook thread.

03-19-2014, 02:30 AM
Its always good to have a little rant on the internet. I find it helps too. I guess that's part of what these forums are for as well. Vent your feelings to likeminded and understanding people.
Music has been my saviour on many occasions through my life.

It took a couple of weeks for my bloods to come back as well. If there's a major problem they would contact you immediately and before your follow up appointment. So, in this case, no news can be good news....as my doctor told me.

03-19-2014, 02:38 AM
Chatting is good, especially to people who know how you feel and have experienced it.

My Facebook is Stephen.holt.5477