View Full Version : Dahila? Lady question

03-18-2014, 06:52 PM
Please share your thoughts. I am very sensitive to antibiotics always get yeast infection :(. I was put on a very strong round of keflex 500 mg 3 times a day as a precaution for an infection due to a blown Iv ?!?!?! Well after taking only a day and a Half worth I have what appears to be thrush . Very uncomfortable. Is this dangerous? My doc gave me diflucan to help cure thrush. Can this get in your bloodstream ? I was stupid read on line and it says it can be deadly! I am so fed up of hopping from one fear to the next. Alright dahlia I need some tough love here I'm freaking out and I need help calming down please please please !!

03-18-2014, 06:57 PM
Blessed it is not only you. I have this problem especially with some antibiotics. Try to have home made kefir. trash is aaawful it hurts but is curable with easy medication. Will post when i get home.:)

03-18-2014, 09:09 PM
The meds are easy to use but they are on prescription. I would get some probiotic pills from pharmacy, of course the caneston but the three days treatement. It is better.
It is caused by Candida ; the bacteria we have in our body and it attacks when the immune system goes down, which is in case of antibiotics. Some of them kill bacteria which controls Candida. Trush is more common that you think. People just do not want to talk about it. Use (if you have in home) plain yogurt , put on your tongue. Be gentle with it and tomorrow the doc and Nystatin 100.000u/ml
brand name is Ratio-Nystatin. Maybe you could talk pharmacist to give it without prescription. In Canada it is on prescription .... It will be gone in no time:)

03-19-2014, 05:35 AM
As soon as I get antibiotic I buy caneston and probiotic:))

03-19-2014, 11:06 AM
My primary doc took me off antibiotics due to my arm appearing to look fine. But this morning my arm is hurting again. No redness or streaking but painful. Is there anything I should look out for? I have myself so paranoid about my health that I get worried that what if there's something going on they can't see. I have cried all morning . I just want to go through a day without my health on my mind, spend time with my family and love life. Why is this so hard

03-19-2014, 03:37 PM
I would think it hurts because you got bruise inside you arm. Put warm comprress on it. I should give you some relieve, good you doc stopped the antibiotic, docs use too much of them

03-21-2014, 04:58 PM
Dahlia, I'm still worried about my arm as it's been a week still painful and warm but not red or swollen. Should I be concerned? I'm just worried this has caused some underlying infection that I cannot see since I can't take the antibiotics?