View Full Version : Falling/Dropping Sensation

03-18-2014, 06:24 PM
Hi, i'm 16 year's old and i've been suffering from anxiety like symptoms and they seemed to have went away and now it seems to be coming back. I've been to the doctor's several times and when I try and explain what exactly is going on it's either the doctor is a moron or they just look at me like i'm crazy.

Now i've suffered from vertigo in the past so i'm not sure if this is it or if it's the anxiety. About 6 months ago I started to experience the following symptoms.

1. Rapid Heartbeat
2. Falling/Dropping Sensation a Lot
3. Heavy Head/Ear's Feel Full
4. Runny Nose
5. Vertigo - Side to Side Feeling
6. Back/Neck Pain
7. Hot and Cold Flashes

One day the symptoms got so bad I was in the middle of the store and I just started to feel like crap and my dad told me that I totally looked like shit and I felt like crap the rest of the day tell I went to sleep.

Now it's been around 6 months later and it slowly it seemed like the symptoms were slowly going away I was going on jogs every day for pretty much like a month straight at one point. Now I am starting to feel this dropping sensation a lot again and I don't know what's causing it or why.

The doctor's I have been too before said that I had

1. Vitamin D Deficiency
2. Possibly Anxiety.
3. Sinus Infection
4. Allergies
5. Little bit of Low Potassium

I've been trying to take 1000IU of Vitamin D a day to help with that, I tried to take Amoxilicilion for the sinus infection but I kept thinking that it was causing the anxiety so I stopped taking it which probably wasn't the best idea. I also tried to take some allergy pills for a day and it didn't really seem to help so I didn't do anything more with that. The doctor also said I should probably go and get massages to help with headaches and back and neck pain.

The dropping sensation is like your on a elevator and it when it stops it kinda goes down for a second it feels like that. I'm trying to figure out what exactly is causing it whether it be anxiety or vertigo.

Please help me out.

- Note: Also I don't know if this helps at all but before the 6 months I used to smoke weed pretty much like every single day. Haven't smoked for around 6 months though cause I didn't want it to get worse or something.

03-18-2014, 06:55 PM
I think you need to see the ENT doc, it seems like you have maybe, maybe slight meniere disease. It causes all the signs you have here. I have it and have the vertigo for years. It comes and goes away for some time. Low potasium will cause the muscle spasms in your legs, and fast or low heartbeat, falling senstation is connected to vertigo. I am dealing with it more than 20 years....it is not nice but can be helped:)

03-18-2014, 07:14 PM
I think you need to see the ENT doc, it seems like you have maybe, maybe slight meniere disease. It causes all the signs you have here. I have it and have the vertigo for years. It comes and goes away for some time. Low potasium will cause the muscle spasms in your legs, and fast or low heartbeat, falling senstation is connected to vertigo. I am dealing with it more than 20 years....it is not nice but can be helped:)

I've been to the emergency room, general doctor's and a heart doctor. What kind of tests would they do?

03-18-2014, 07:19 PM
The falling and dropping sensation I keep having it!!!! What the hell is that.

03-18-2014, 07:21 PM
So the falling sensation is connected to vertigo?? Dahlia??

03-18-2014, 07:30 PM
So the falling sensation is connected to vertigo?? Dahlia??

I"m not sure I was just pointing out there that it could connected to that but. I wish I knew.

03-18-2014, 09:16 PM
That's crazy I have the exact same thing going on 1-7 been to emergency rooms my primary neurologists..cat scans mris blood panels for weakness and vertigo ill just be walking through the store and bam feels like I got hit by a truck with zero anxiety involved. It's good to see not alone u described it to t..I've had doctors say everything from complicated migraines sinus infection to inner ear problem.. Took amoxiclave for two weeks didn't touch it.. Had an eeg done and nuero exam with more blood work all comes back clear.the nuero referred me to a psychiatrist because I mentioned on the new patient question page that I do have anxiety from time to time so he wrote all those symptoms off as anxiety and asked me two questions .. I went to a chiropractic who said I had scar tissue built up in my neck from a old car accident so I was on a decompression machine every other day for a month and a half.. I see a better nuero Thursday for a second opinion he's supposed to be a specialist for headaches and hard diagnosing problems so I'll keep u posted on what he says

03-19-2014, 04:58 AM
The doctor to visit for vertigo related problems is an ENT who specializes in otology(Neurotologist).

03-19-2014, 05:58 AM
Ears, Nose and throat ;)) the only one who knows what vertigo is about:))