View Full Version : Anxiety and physical symptoms

Worried user
03-18-2014, 04:12 PM
Hi guys,
I've been getting a lot of physical symptoms that my doctor(s) have put down to health anxiety. I've been getting a lot of neurological pains such as; muscle twitches all over constantly, shooting pains all over, pins and needles, muscle tiredness etc...and recently I've been getting eye pain and slight blurred vision and dizziness. Obviously I'm a total hypochondriac and convinced myself I have MS. Maybe that's why I'm getting these symptoms, cause I've looked it up and planted it in my head.

But it's not just this, I've been worried about STDs, mainly HIV (even though I'm 16, not had sex, only fore-played with my girlfriend who definitely doesn't have HIV!), hepatitis, ALS, Gillian bare syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia, cancer of the lymph nodes, autoimmune diseases... And the list goes on...

I'm at the prime of my life and I was so fit and healthy before all this occurred. I've been to loads of nurses and doctors and they all say it's due to hypochondria, and think there's nothing medically wrong. But they haven't done any physical tests to rule anything out! I've only had a blood test which showed up with 'perfect results'. So is this all in my head? This is ruining my life, and I need help! Please give me some advice, is this anxiety? Can anxiety cause these symptoms? Thank you

03-18-2014, 04:41 PM
Hi guys, I've been getting a lot of physical symptoms that my doctor(s) have put down to health anxiety. I've been getting a lot of neurological pains such as; muscle twitches all over constantly, shooting pains all over, pins and needles, muscle tiredness etc...and recently I've been getting eye pain and slight blurred vision and dizziness. Obviously I'm a total hypochondriac and convinced myself I have MS. Maybe that's why I'm getting these symptoms, cause I've looked it up and planted it in my head. But it's not just this, I've been worried about STDs, mainly HIV (even though I'm 16, not had sex, only fore-played with my girlfriend who definitely doesn't have HIV!), hepatitis, ALS, Gillian bare syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia, cancer of the lymph nodes, autoimmune diseases... And the list goes on... I'm at the prime of my life and I was so fit and healthy before all this occurred. I've been to loads of nurses and doctors and they all say it's due to hypochondria, and think there's nothing medically wrong. But they haven't done any physical tests to rule anything out! I've only had a blood test which showed up with 'perfect results'. So is this all in my head? This is ruining my life, and I need help! Please give me some advice, is this anxiety? Can anxiety cause these symptoms? Thank you

Believing you have many things wrong with you is your health anxiety

You can look for reassurance for each and every concern but that would take a lifetime

Or you can just realize it is you over worrying then becoming convinced all of those things are going to happen if they already haven't happened

This is how anxiety plays and continues to grip you

Get reassurance about one concern, anxiety throws another out there

It's anxiety. That is what is wrong with you

Treat that and all the other concerns go away