View Full Version : Does anyone have tips about coping with unexpected?

03-18-2014, 02:33 PM
I've been in my new job for just over a week now. Settling in pretty well, relying on making plans and task lists to keep me organised and focused. But the disadvantage of that approach is that when something gets dumped on my plate unexpectedly, like it was today (my boss just came over and went "This is for you, could you look into this problem with the finances") I got really stressed cos I hadn't planned it into my day. And I had the time to deal with it, but I felt absolutely EXHAUSTED by the end of the day.

I'm also struggling to take proper breaks too, partly because I'm worried people will think I'm slacking and partly because there is no set lunch time at my work because of the flexible nature of the job (I'm working with students at a Uni) and so it is hard to set aside scheduled time at a regular hour.

Plus I now have a mammoth commute at the moment, getting home really late, leaving really early. That will improve when we move closer at the end of the month, but the move itself is stressful!

Put all this on top of normal new job stress and I'm a little worried that I'm going to get really exhausted REALLY fast!!

I want to be able to handle an exciting, challenging job, not be stuck in something 'easy' just because it is safe. But does anyone have any tips on dealing with this change, and specifically with dealing with unexpected tasks chucked at you?!

Thanks in advance xx