View Full Version : Lightheaded and wobbly legs

03-18-2014, 11:30 AM
I started having panic attacks in December for the first time in my life. What usually happens is that all of the muscles seem to get electrified and tense up until my whole body is like one big spasm. I can breathe but my heart picks up and I need to lay down for about an hour before it subsides.

I've been hounded by this, what seems like a pulled muscle in my chest, and acid reflux. What's crazy is that today and yesterday both seem to be improving dramatically but I've been hounded by lightheadedness in the area above my eyes. For whatever reason I have almost no chest pain and the gas that was blocking up my entire system seems to have gone down. But I've been having a groggy feeling in my head and it's all in the forehead. I passed out a few years ago in public, so this is probably what sets a lot of my anxiety off.

It also seems that when I go to work in the morning and home in the evening, my ankles start to feel wobbly towards the end of the walk. After having my most recent attack, I was at a point of not going to certain places I usually go because they're a good number of city blocks. I forced myself to go and all of the muscles in my body were lit up and I was afraid I'd fall on my face.

Today, I went to work with lightheadedness and I started fearing that my heart wasn't circulating enough blood to my head (which may be the case, IDK). Except for a pulled muscle in my shoulder blade from doing a stretching exercise the other day, my chest muscle/back muscle tightness was going away and I didn't see to have as much bloating as I usually do. Then while talking to someone in the office, I started to feel groggy. I was able to finish the conversation with him, but afterwards I felt a need to breathe deeply and it felt like all of the muscles in my chest wouldn't allow it. I was able to breathe, but it was a truly horrible feeling and it took me back to when I fainted.

I'm feeling better now but I honestly don't know what to do about this. I had just gone for a physical last week and my urine and blood were checked, I was EKG'd and I even had an x-ray on my back because my spine has always been slightly out of place. I really don't feel like running to the doctors again (even though the doctor I have is very good) and I'm supposed to meet with a gastro to look at my acid reflux.

Anyway, I'm sorry to bore you with all this but all of this seemed to hit me at once like a ton of bricks this winter and I don't feel like the same person as last year. I was wondering if anyone has gone through the same kind of thing and if this is even an anxiety problem. Thx

03-18-2014, 11:46 AM
It ALL sounds like just anxiety symptoms to me friend..
If you don't have a good family Doc, then get to finding one.
Also, arrange for some therapy or counceling too.
It seems as if you're spiralling out of control pretty quickly especially when you go from panic attacks to the ER in 3 months...
You may need some medications to take daily, to stabilize you..
You're not boring us....

Try to have a good day friend.

Enduronman... :)