View Full Version : I'm struggling with College due to Anxiety!!!

03-18-2014, 10:33 AM
I often get Panic attacks whilst travelling to College and it's extremely difficult, I find that people in my life don't understand, I have tried to fight it but it's difficult. I had a call from my tutor yesterday and she told me that there was a trip going on today, I didn't go because of travelling on the bus. I can't go on buses due to me receiving Panic attacks, I'm worried because I promised my tutor I would be in but I just cannot go on Buses. The last time I went on a bus I had a major panic attack, had to get off, and I threw up everywhere because of Stress and nerves.
Another reason why I didn't go was because my friend couldn't make it, so I didn't want to be on my own. Due to my Anxiety I'm finding it really difficult to communicate with people over the last few months, It's like I forget what to talk about because nothing interesting is going on in my life because I'm not doing much apart from visiting my 2 friends here and there, and sometimes I play Tennis and go mountain biking.

03-18-2014, 10:47 AM
You need to figure out where one in Wales, at your age, goes for medical help, treatment, and care?
You really need some medications dude...badly.
You need to speak to, and meet with, your Councelor at the college every week...that's why they're there.
Don't let this anxiety continue to grow bruh, figure out where you have to go to get FREE medical help and also FREE medications..it'll save your future life from catastrophie...and get these panic attacks under control too..
I do not know how you medical system works, so I did the best I could here with these suggestions but regardless of the country, if it is civilized, there is help available.

Enduronman.. :)

03-18-2014, 11:09 AM
I am sorry you struggling, you remind me of someone;))))

03-18-2014, 12:06 PM
Me too, I'm really struggling with anxiety and it makes college do hard :/. But I agree with e-man, try to find help that your college offers, that's what I'm doing. Therapy can really help :).

03-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Kyle. EMan is absolutely right on this

Don't wait to get some meds. They would do you wonders

You would be a new man in a month or two