View Full Version : Update?

03-17-2014, 08:48 PM
It's been a while since I posted here so let's see... um I started Cognitive Behavioural therapy, I'm in my third week and still at the point where I don't really know if it's helping me or not. I find it quite difficult actually, because I'm pressed into trying to find root causes to my behaviours. What am I afraid of happening when I avoid crowds, I cannot figure it out. I don't know. It hasn't gotten to the point where I'm dreading appointments, but I'm not sure it's working for me. I have an appointment with a psychologist in May, so if CBT doesn't work out, I have a back-up. Is it okay for me to see both a psychotherapist and a psychologist at the same time??

Annnnnnd I got accepted into College! Finally! So I'm starting in September! I went to the school for a program spotlight this past weekend and I absolutely adore the campus. I'm hoping that I have good enough handle on my anxiety by the time September rolls around so I can actually maintain my grades and whatnot. But overall I'm feeling pretty good about it!