View Full Version : Should i be worried

03-17-2014, 04:32 PM
Went to the doctors today for my follow up (she put me on 50mg of zoloft 18 days ago) I felt very discouraged today because for the past couple of weeks she has been kind and supportive but today was different. I have been to the hospital many times in the past year and she requested the files from them. Problem was they only have 2 records of me going. So she doesn't know wether to believe me or the hospital. I was angry because it feels like she is calling me a liar. Why would I lie about something like that. So now she upped my meds from 50mg to 100mg of zoloft .. And referred me to a psychiatrist. I have been very bothered by this because I feel like she is either very annoyed by me or does not think that there is any issue with me. My main question for making this thread is I was nervous to take the meds the first time ., but i did it ... Tonight I have to take 100mg instead of 50mg .. Should I be nervous .. Does any one out there notice a difference when they are increased? I'm just nervous and anxious today .. I was doing great until I saw my doctor today

03-17-2014, 04:39 PM
Does she suspect drug seeking behaviour maybe, is that her issue? She seems really moody otherwise. Why would a patient lie about going to the hospital.

To answer your meds question, I always have noticed differences when upping doses, but they've always been far more mild and short lived compared to start up.

Hope you bounce back soon.

03-17-2014, 04:50 PM
Do you have your records that they gave to you when you checked out each time you went? It wouldn't make sense for you to say you went when you didnt.....

03-17-2014, 04:50 PM
Does she suspect drug seeking behaviour maybe, is that her issue? She seems really moody otherwise. Why would a patient lie about going to the hospital. To answer your meds question, I always have noticed differences when upping doses, but they've always been far more mild and short lived compared to start up. Hope you bounce back soon. Maybe that's what she is suspecting, I don't know .. I don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs .. I wouldn't even take Advil or Tylenol in the longest while because I was worried that's what was giving me heart palps

03-17-2014, 04:57 PM
Do you have your records that they gave to you when you checked out each time you went? It wouldn't make sense for you to say you went when you didnt..... I have no records on me, the hospital would have them .. But I will make sure to have proof any time I go there again . Hopefully when I see her next week it will be different .. If not a might possibly look in to getting a new doc .. I don't know why Any one would fake anxiety to get zoloft .. I never even asked her for meds .. But I took her advice and took them

03-17-2014, 06:32 PM
I have no records on me, the hospital would have them .. But I will make sure to have proof any time I go there again . Hopefully when I see her next week it will be different .. If not a might possibly look in to getting a new doc .. I don't know why Any one would fake anxiety to get zoloft .. I never even asked her for meds .. But I took her advice and took them

You know what? I would ask her point blank what her issue was. Maybe she was just having a bad day or it just came out wrong. No one would lie to get zoloft.....

03-17-2014, 08:36 PM
Honestly I'm just going to chop it up to today was a crappy Monday but tomorrow will be four steps close to Friday! I will see my doc next week .. Hopefully it will be a better experience :) as for my meds being increased today.. I sucked up me nervousness and took my first dose of 100mg .. I'm nervous right now about how I will feel in the morning .. Hopefully It won't be too bad .. Thank goodness for this site, honestly is the best calmer .. Makes me feel less alone in this struggle

03-18-2014, 05:06 PM
So I had the increase to 100mg last night instead of 50mg .. Felt ok though out the day .. Loss of appetite and dry throat .. This afternoon I got a horrible head ache, tool some Tylenol but did not help .. Can anyone relate or know if this is just a side effect of the increase? This head ache is horrible

03-18-2014, 05:20 PM
So I had the increase to 100mg last night instead of 50mg .. Felt ok though out the day .. Loss of appetite and dry throat .. This afternoon I got a horrible head ache, tool some Tylenol but did not help .. Can anyone relate or know if this is just a side effect of the increase? This head ache is horrible

Headache with meds increase is not unusual . Give yourself a couple of days. Your body is just adjusting to the meds increase.

Cold compress or ice pack on back of the neck, forehead, sometimes sleep will do the trick.

Take it easy , be kind to yourself and just try to relax. It will get better.

I hope you feel better tomorrow.

03-18-2014, 05:28 PM
Thank you! Staying away from Google can be a little hard when I have a dozen questions lol

03-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Thank you! Staying away from Google can be a little hard when I have a dozen questions lol

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