View Full Version : Here we go. New symptoms.. - Heart palps + dizziness + fever?

03-17-2014, 02:55 PM
Hey, what's up gang!

New day, new symptoms. I'm getting heart palps, dizzy spells and high fever ONLY at night. Weird symptoms. There was also blood in my urine once. Maybe it could be dehydration? Idk, but I'm drinking like a freakin' cow right now.

I also have this faint feeling and when I get heart palps, I get dizzy and I feel as if I don't have any energy at all. It's like I'm about to faint. I also have headache through-out the whole day. I sleep good, like 8-10 hours.

High body temperature and chills only at night? Weird.

Can anxiety really cause this?

03-17-2014, 02:57 PM
Might be a UTI with anxiety.

03-17-2014, 03:03 PM
Might be a UTI with anxiety.

Hm. So faint feeling, heart palps, dizzy spells, fever, chills and headache = Anxiety

And peeing blod can be some kind of an infection? Even if it only was once?

I am however going to see my doc in 2 weeks.

03-17-2014, 03:08 PM
Hm. So faint feeling, heart palps, dizzy spells, fever, chills and headache = Anxiety And peeing blod can be some kind of an infection? Even if it only was once? I am however going to see my doc in 2 weeks.

Possibly. A few months ago I had blood in my urine and extreme kidney pain. Turned out I had kidney stones and a UTI. Are you sure it was blood? Because sometimes dark color urine can be a sign of dehydration.

03-17-2014, 03:24 PM
Possibly. A few months ago I had blood in my urine and extreme kidney pain. Turned out I had kidney stones and a UTI. Are you sure it was blood? Because sometimes dark color urine can be a sign of dehydration.

Idk. It was dark red/brown if you will lol. I'm going to get it checked anyways.

03-17-2014, 03:29 PM
hey you get back to your own thread :) only joking .

Yes can be anxiety , i get massive night sweats .

I was thinking about it also i am sure i peed blood once during all this .

anxiety is over stimulation of nerves , nerves run the show and it can effect anything .

You will be fine but glad you came and asked .

And you can stay in this thread now LOL :)

Haha xD I asked there, nobody is answering tho :( With a title like: "EXTREME PANIC ATTACK HELP!!!" every one checks in lmao.

why you not see doc now ??????????????????????

Tbh, I think they're idiots. I told her on the phone I had this and that, she said 2 weeks. I told her, it could be a problem with my heart, how am I supposed to wait 2 weeks??

"You've had it for 3 months, can't it wait for another 2 weeks? I'm sure you'll be fine"

So yeah.

03-17-2014, 03:35 PM
shes right you will be fine . But its time to stop this shit and treat it .

You know the worse form of anxiety ?? The untreated sort .



03-17-2014, 04:01 PM
shes right you will be fine . But its time to stop this shit and treat it .

You know the worse form of anxiety ?? The untreated sort .

I'm so confused. I'll try to explain my situation right now. I have questions, so many. I don't feel anxious, worried, stressed. I know how that feels and I don't have that feeling right now. If my dr/dp has gone away, then obviously my anxiety has reduced.

I got my anxiety from weed. Every time I see, smell or smoke weed, I get anxious. Therefore, I don't know whether it is anxiety or not. Somebody mention PTSD?

It feels like I'm having all these symptoms like some kind of "after-affects". They're all hitting me now when I'm actually going down from high anxiety. You know when you hurt yourself and your blood is warm, you don't feel anything. When your blood is cold again, it hurts like f***.

If I'm not worried/stressed/anxious, how am I having these symptoms? Is my body still there and my mind not? I'm taking meds now only for my body to balance. My mind is stable, I know that. It wasn't 2 months ago and I can see a difference. This is another reason why I'm scared to take meds. What if I f*ck up my mind again and it becomes unstable. I don't know, I'm really confused.

03-17-2014, 04:35 PM
Maybe if you stopped telling yourself its all in your head might help. Your body is all these things . I am having massive symptoms at the moment , it sucks but it will settle as my body is just upset . It will take time and i will tell you i am the happiest i have been in a long long time .

But it is all in my head. This isn't a mental disease.. or is it? I myself are the one whos creating all this. My mind is controlling and my body is adjusting and doing what its told to. Now when my mind is stable, I fear that my body is used to the "high anxiety-mode" and has made this the new standard. Maybe it takes time to change back to normal, I don't know.

Well dur , you got all this shit from weed so why would it not trigger feelings . I bet you think "fuck i wish i had not done that " So learn and move away from it . No biggie .

Yeah everyday. I wish I could go back and stop myself.

what if what if what if . See this , you know what this is ??? ANXIETY ALERT

Simply . Who gives a shit . Treat the problem , imbalance and not the cause . You can not change the cause but you can treat the problem .

Dude if you are not stressed and anxious i will eat my hat .

But I don't want it to get worse. I must question things, I can't try anything or everything. Especially if it can give permanent problems.

Haha. Well, if I was 100% anxiety free, I wouldn't be here. Yes, I'm anxious. But only because I'm confused and I don't know what's happening.

03-17-2014, 05:20 PM
Who said , so you have no other single symptom other than you head . I call bullshit . Its in your brain , its a unbalance chemical problem .

Classed as one for treatment and payment system , thats it . Again it is a chemical imbalance in your brain caused by the weed and your worry .

Correct , you fucked up smoking dope and now you need to fix it .

Partly but your mind controls your body . You ever tried to stop yourself bleeding . NO so why do you think you can control your brain releasing too many or not enough chemicals. Have you ever seen someone with a super high fever lose the plot . Its chemical . You can control it and fix it but you need to change your thoughts and actions . This is friggen hard work and your thoughts are feeding the problem .


Correct and a bloody lot of work over and over and over and over and over and over again . It takes the brain about 4 weeks to change its pathways .

Shit happens move on , i mean it , i took a drug that near killed me . Focus on fixing it not the cause .

There is no worse .You know my anxiety was drug related , i had no control over it . IT gets to so much and stops . There is anxiety and there is no anxiety . The level are all that changes . Panic attack are the worse . I am having them about every hour at the moment . It is just a shift in the brain . It is moving the furniture for the party that is coming on when this shit is finally over .

Not going to happen , you didnt get hit with a baseball bat . Your chemicals are up the shit and their is a thing called nuroplasticy. It means the brain is forever changing . If someone with a stroke can rebuild their brain so can you .

Hmm well durr , so listen up then and stop being confused .

Thanks really appreciate your answers.

I'm getting all these symptoms, should I just avoid them? or what should I do? I don't know.

If meditation, exercise, supplements really can help, then I feel like it's all in my head. I'm the one starting my panic attacks. It doesn't come automatically. Just like dr/dp. I can control it now, because I noticed everytime I don't think about it, it's not there. When I think about it, it hits me. Because I myself are the one making those "effects".

03-17-2014, 05:43 PM
OMG!!!!ding ding ding ding ding.. JACKPOT !!!

You may actually get it!

Now go do something with what you know

Get off the computer. Say goodbye to dr. Google and don't get back on The what if merry go round.

You know everything there is to recovery !!!

Yay for you

03-17-2014, 10:33 PM
With the blood in your urine... Did you see it more than once and when was that in relation to all of your symptoms? Could the other symptoms be an anxiety reaction to your (understandable) concern about the blood in your urine? The first time blood in the urine happened to me, it scared me because it had never happened before, but it turned out to just be a bladder infection -- no big deal. I think the stress over what could be wrong caused more symptoms than the bladder infection!

Anxiety sufferer or not, former drug user or not, I think it is perfectly reasonable to want the doctor to do a work up to try and determine the cause of blood in your urine.

Could you call the doctors office, ask to speak to a nurse (or leave a message to be called back), and ask if s/he could see if the doctor would call in a urine analysis order? If no one calls you back by the end of the day, call again, mention you left a message for the nurse earlier in the day but hadn't heard back, and ask when you should expect a return call. That way, you can get the urine tested and if it is anything, get treating it. I'm surprised they are having you wait 2 weeks if you told them you had blood in your urine because, while not life threatening, it is something they usually like to check out to nip any infection in the bud. Alteratively, Prompt/Urgent Cares if you have anything like that near you can be great for routine infections like UTIs.

03-18-2014, 06:29 AM
shakes head LOL

OK question . If you are causing this how are you doing it ??

If you cause it then why do they have this billion dollar industry of drugs that people take and all these symptoms just go away ??

Haha. Remember I'm asking, I don't know how it really is.

This is how I'm thinking: I'm creating these problems. For example, dr/dp. It's a feeling that comes up when the body defends itself from something. When I realised I had this, I started "abusing" it lol. I started to get that feeling constantly, because I was thinking of it constantly. When I distracted myself, it went away completly. Then I would start think about it again and BOM it would hit me.

Then this means I can control it? I can tell it to come or to go away. And this means it's my head creating these symptoms? Hard to explain, I hope you understand what I mean lol.

I think meds helps you control it? I really have no idea. I'm asking, I don't really know how it really is.

03-18-2014, 06:34 AM
With the blood in your urine... Did you see it more than once and when was that in relation to all of your symptoms? Could the other symptoms be an anxiety reaction to your (understandable) concern about the blood in your urine? The first time blood in the urine happened to me, it scared me because it had never happened before, but it turned out to just be a bladder infection -- no big deal. I think the stress over what could be wrong caused more symptoms than the bladder infection!

Anxiety sufferer or not, former drug user or not, I think it is perfectly reasonable to want the doctor to do a work up to try and determine the cause of blood in your urine.

Could you call the doctors office, ask to speak to a nurse (or leave a message to be called back), and ask if s/he could see if the doctor would call in a urine analysis order? If no one calls you back by the end of the day, call again, mention you left a message for the nurse earlier in the day but hadn't heard back, and ask when you should expect a return call. That way, you can get the urine tested and if it is anything, get treating it. I'm surprised they are having you wait 2 weeks if you told them you had blood in your urine because, while not life threatening, it is something they usually like to check out to nip any infection in the bud. Alteratively, Prompt/Urgent Cares if you have anything like that near you can be great for routine infections like UTIs.

Hm, then it might be something more serious? I didn't tell my doc about the blood in my urine. Because it happend afterward. I'll call her asap and tell her. Thanks!

03-18-2014, 09:43 AM
Just try to take things one step at a time, just because you have anxiety doesn't mean every symptom you have is related.just most of the ones that make you think you are going to die. Anxiety probably doesn't cause blood in your urine, but it's not a life threatening situation. The heart palps(not sure if you mean skipped or early beats..or a pounding sensation) and dizziness are very much anxiety related, you'll be alright, best of luck to ya.

03-18-2014, 09:50 AM
Just try to take things one step at a time, just because you have anxiety doesn't mean every symptom you have is related.just most of the ones that make you think you are going to die. Anxiety probably doesn't cause blood in your urine, but it's not a life threatening situation. The heart palps(not sure if you mean skipped or early beats..or a pounding sensation) and dizziness are very much anxiety related, you'll be alright, best of luck to ya.

Yes, they're the ones that scare me the most (skipped/early beats/pounding sensation and dizzy at the same time). But Idk what am doing wrong? :S Should I try to find a treatment for my symptoms or should I deal with the anxiety?

Thanks! :)

03-18-2014, 10:18 AM
I think you should deal with the anxiety the skipped beats. I get those. And people can get them. Even thousands a day and still have a normal healthy heart, I only seem to get them when I am stressed or breathing shallow, they won't hurt you. Like someone suggested earlier. Have them see if you have a bladder inflection...and if you do..they can fix that, try not to focus on your symptoms as much as you can and just remember you have lot of anxieties causing physical symptoms..and that's all it is.. good luck to you.

03-18-2014, 02:51 PM
Ok we shall try this again .


Your brain is frigged , you changed the chemicals in your brain . This is what happens when you smoke dope and it works this way .

Dope is both a psychotic and a antipsychotic , very unusual.

But all it did was change it , nothing more , nothing less . The same way it always did but more .

You did not create this problem except for the fact you smoked it .

The reason it goes away is because you brain is distracted . The brain can only think of one thing at a time on that part . It is still there but you dont notice it . The same thing might happen if say you feel shit and a mate rings and you start chatting and get into the convo . Its called forgetting your problems , you can forget but they are still there and when you think about it again it will bring it up .

The thing with anxiety is that if you do this often enough then the brain forgets about it and builds new pathways that avoids it because its not important . This is one way to get over anxiety but i do not believe that you have it in you because the anxiety itself , the symptom is making you focus on it . You are the one that is choosing to do this because when you feel this symptom you are reacting to it and giving it power keeping it on the surface .

The brain is amazing at avoiding things . Look at your nose , its there but your brain simply overlooks it in your sight .

The right med stops it , so that no matter how much you try to think it is there it is simply not there .

Give you a example . Thoughts , the nasty ones . I had a thought of stabbing people . This caused such anxiety in me , i would avoid everything to do with knives because it would bring these thoughts back . Now i have no anxiety i can look at knives and have no thoughts anyway . My brain has built new pathways around it so that instead of seeing fear it just sees a thought and nothing more .

My opinion . You need to go see your doctor and think about meds . Or in the very least get out of your own head and start doing things to fix the problem . You will not think yourself out of anxiety .

So am I treating the problem if I'm distracting myself? I forget my problems, but they're still there? How am I supposed to treat this then?

So basically, distraction is snoozing the problem? How am I supposed to deal with it except for meds?

Should I or should I not distract myself and instead start dealing with the problem? I don't know. I thought distracting myself was a way of dealing with the problem.

How did you overcome that fear?

Very true, I won't think myself out of anxiety.

03-18-2014, 04:10 PM
So am I treating the problem if I'm distracting myself? I forget my problems, but they're still there? How am I supposed to treat this then?

So basically, distraction is snoozing the problem? How am I supposed to deal with it except for meds?

Should I or should I not distract myself and instead start dealing with the problem? I don't know. I thought distracting myself was a way of dealing with the problem.

How did you overcome that fear?

Very true, I won't think myself out of anxiety.

I like your questions Elias.

I know we all have to go over stuff quite a few times, which is ok as it's really confusing. I'm just happy you're asking the right stuff.

Instead of asking about your symptoms, and if they're normal, you're often asking what to do about your symptoms, which already shows you have a degree of understanding others may not yet.

To answer your question about distraction, to add a little to what Forwells said; there are two types of distraction, and they are very similar, but the attitude by which you go about them, differs hugely.

You have distraction - whereby you hide from something your mind is doing, and then you have refocusing- which is another type of distraction technique, but you aren't hiding in this instance.

Hiding from your mind is a good short term technique, it can prevent severe attacks, but it'll be very hard to get better long term if that's all you ever do about your anxiety. I know you don't do this, so it's ok.

The second type, refocus - that's the money type of distraction.

When you think back to how you were before this anxiety condition reared it's ugly head, or think back to when you were most healthiest (if you can, some can't connect with that) - you'll realize how all of your focus was external. You woke up and probably noticed how bright the sun was. You got breakfast, and probably watched some tv. You had a shower, and probably felt the water on your skin, and sung a song. The day probably continued in that vain.

All of that changes when you have anxiety. You become introspective. That's what the 'gurus' like to call it anyway.

That means you begin looking in. You've become the opposite of the healthiest you. So it's no surprise during our anxious periods, that we become our unhealthiest selves. At least mentally.

You probably wake up, and often the first thing you look for is how your mood is, how your symptoms are. Noticing the brightness of the sun, more often than not becomes a distant afterthought. The day probably continues in this vain. You probably spend time looking inside, at your thoughts, at your symptoms. You probably have a relationship with them too, and this strengthens the introspectivity (that's not a word, but I like it, I want it to be). You probably analyse them, compare them, try to understand them, try to find meaning in them.

All of this strengthens the anxiety condition. Simply because whatever you put your attention into is powerful. It will grow. It won't leave.

So to go back to healthy, care free Elias, you need to look outwards again. Not because you're running away, like the first type of distraction users are during that period of usage, but because it's healthy. It's normal. It's human.

This is where refocus becomes huge. You will notice symptoms inside of you for a long time, probably. Heart palps, DP/DR, dizziness, sickness, minor PTSD, butterflies etc. The reason anxiety conditions are so stubborn, is because these symptoms are so powerful, so strong, so distressing sometimes, that you lose your will power, or patience, and begin looking inside again; analysing them, trying to find ways to make them to go.
The cycle of being introspective never becomes broken, and can just keep going on and on, getting worse and worse.

You'll notice some people are aware of their symptoms almost 24/7. You'll also notice these people seem so sick, and are the ones who often talk of wanting to give up. This is no coincidence.

No condition will go if that's the case. Just look at certain psychosomatic illnesses. They can last long after all medical conditions have been corrected, simply because the attention on them keeps them alive.

So it's very important to refocus, and look outward again. Because as time goes on, I notice you looking inside more, and more and more. I remember your very first post. There was less distress in that one, than some of your recent ones. That's because the frustration grows, and the fear grows. You can't see ways to get better. You doubt, you worry. You've been looking so closely at your symptoms, especially DR, as this is one of the worst in this instance, that they appear magnified to gigantic proportions. How do you shrink them? Simple, you look from further away.

When your focus is outside, on activities, on your social job, on your studies, or a job, and you commit to keeping it there, and don't let it wander inside as many people often do, then you'll see your symptoms are smaller. You'll notice them less. Then you'll reach a point whereby they're very small. Then gone.

There is nothing stopping you from getting better. Nothing. But you have to help your mind, help you. You can't control your mind per se, otherwise this forum would be a ghost town and we'd all be cured.

You can help your mind become healthy again.

Whenever you have symptoms, in your case, or thoughts, or anxiety; be aware that is is anxiety, this takes a second, then refocus. Do something, anything, outside of yourself. Take your focus outside of yourself. And do this often. Make this a lifestyle. This isn't a coping technique. It's a recovery technique. It doesn't work short term, but works long term.

You have to take a leap of faith with this condition. You have to go on with your life as normal, or as normally as possible, and allow your brain to make the correct changes to itself. You can't do that. You can't make those changes to your own brain. You can only help it to do it itself.

That does take time. It takes trust. It takes faith. It takes patience. It takes understanding. But it works.

03-19-2014, 06:37 AM
Well, holy f***ing sh*t dude, you know so much.

This is so true. I've become introspective, I'm focusing too much on this sh*t. But you know what's happening? This whole thing came at me at the wrong time. My social life, my life outwards is dead right now. For example, my school. I go to school 2 days a week, because my schedule is like that. My gf is working and studying at the same time and I barely get to see her. My friends are all busy with their lifes and school, they're just not social at this time of the year. So, where has this gotten me? I'm getting lazy. I'm not going to the gym anymore, I'm not going to my football/soccer training and I am in general lazy. I have all the time in the world and where does that time go? to this sh*t.

So, what would I do if I DIDN'T have the anxiety right now? Sit down, in front of the computer, 8 hours a day, play games with friends. What am I doing now when I have the anxiety? The same thing.

Basically, my PC is my medication right now. Maybe it's the bad type of distraction? or the good one, because I'm living my life as I normally would.

Thank you so much Jesse. With this post, you've answered so many question, maybe all of them. Really appreciate that!