View Full Version : In need of advice

03-17-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi, my name is Justin and I really don't know where else to go so i'm coming here. I'm 20 years old and for the past 4 years Ive seen 5 psychiatrists and 5 therapists.. I have been on anti depressants, alot of meds for bipolar, ocd meds, and they all didnt work and things like risperdone and that was absolutely terrible. ... they all didnt work and just made how I feel worse, and never take away my panic attacks. I tell my doctor again and again about my panic attacks and yet have to been prescribed anything in that category.... no doctor I ever go to seems to listen to me. I don't know what to do anymore. I have extreme anxiety. I've always had it since i was a kid. When I was little I wasn't even able to sleep in my own room because I literally thought burglars would break into my house every night.. I stumbled upon marijuana when I was 16 and have been using it for the longest time to help with my anxiety. But now im having a baby and to be the best person I can be I quit.. I have asked my doctors again and again for something for my terrible anxiety and all I ever get is shit like risperdone or an anti depressant. For 4 years doctors have promised me with the famous lines "if this doesn't work we will prescribe you something for the short term" because after going to different doctors for months and months all i ever get is the same anti depressant and the same meds ive already tried. and they never go on there word and give me something for the short term whatever that is.. I have been told i have GAD but i've never been prescribed anything that helps anxiety... I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go. Every night i get nightmares and night sweats, I have constant panic attacks 5-10 a day about how im going to support my girlfriend and the baby, and how i'm going to go to school etc etc.... and i literally cant do this anymore. I've also been to a place called Manatee glens (2 suicide attempts). I haven't been able to barely eat in over two weeks since I quit marijuana and last time I told one of my doctors about my addiction he prescribes me naltrexone which is for opiate and alcohol withdrawals? I'm at the point where I just give up with doctors, I have a child on the way and its the only thing i'm living for but I really dont know how much longer I can do this. I'm about to just say f the doctors and go back to Marijuana. I know that marijuana is supposed to increase anxiety but ive honestly had all these symptoms my whole life before I even started medicating with it. I know its not helping but if my doctors cant give me something that works .. What could I do to get something like xanax or just something that I can use when i'm having a terrible anxiety attack cuz i literally can't function. Its hard to tell my doctor I want to try something like that without coming across as a drug user especially cuz i smoke marijuana.

03-17-2014, 07:08 PM
bump bump bump :)

The magicians done it again ;)

Hey Jg. Sorry for the late replies. Small technical error!