View Full Version : Ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

03-17-2014, 12:51 PM
Alright so today my boyfriend and I were talking about random stuff. And we started to talk about like airsoft(he's really smart and can take apart and rebuild guns and fix guns) and I realized that I'm not good at anything. Everything I do is average. I'm bound to live out an average life go to an average school. I already get average grades. I'm not going to be known for anything and I guess most people don't but it just annoys me a lot

So I was upset about that then afterwards we were joking about me getting a giant inflatable dinosaur and he was like you're being ignorant (my biggest pet peeve is when people are ignorant and he knows I would never be ignorant) and It made my mood worse and I'm just annoyed and need to talk to someone so I can feel better.

03-17-2014, 02:40 PM
What's ignorant about getting an inflatable dinosaur? I don't follow :)

03-17-2014, 04:00 PM
Well the dinosaur was $200 lol but thank you guys :)