View Full Version : Hey Gang!!! Wow!!Double Tripple Those Thumbs Up For Me Friends!!

03-16-2014, 06:31 PM
Hey my awesomely awesome friends. Well, I went to the Dr. It was a nightmare. The Neurologist sent me to a Pain Clinic that doesn't prescribe pain medicine??? The young female doctor was very very rude to me and didn't even show us the MRI I took two weeks ago. Just the paper report, which we found odd. She said the dose of Duragesic Patch I was on, was for Cancer type patients, and no dr. would prescribe me that. Well, they did. But, here's the truth. I am on too much pain medicine. Am I in that much pain to be...YES!!! Four years ago the MRI used the word Moderate describing everything wrong with my back. This MRI, from two weeks ago, used the word's Severe and Severely. I probably will need surgery, but first, I have made a decision. Not just for me, but for my family. This is something my two older boys have begged me to do, but I've been too afraid. I've decided to detox off the narcotic painkiller's. The patches, and breakthrough meds. I don't feel comfortable sharing how much of the Duragesic (Fentanyl) patch's I am on, but their too too high!!! Do I hurt that much...YES!!!! My MRI's of two weeks ago used the words severe and severely describing all my conditions, where as four yrs. ago, the word moderate was used. I knew it had gotten a lot worse. I will probably need surgery. But first I'm going to a dr. who uses a drug Suboxone to detox people off of opiates. I used it four yrs. ago, and worked wonderful, but I'm on a lot stronger meds now. I'm scared and my anxiety is through the roof. I know what it felt like to go through the withdrawls then, much less now, but they are going to use a blood pressure med called clonodine that helps with withdrawls and probably hospitalize me. I have a little boy to raise. Not being able or wanting to get out of bed, feeling like I have no energy, depressed, etc.. is due to being on too much medicine. I'm not stupid. I've just been afraid of going through what you have to to get off of them. But my family is worth that sacrifice. It will be a week or two before I'm able to talk to you guys and gals. I'll miss you crazy. Take care of each other. Love, Dorrie

03-16-2014, 06:41 PM
shoot is not good to depend all the time on opiates....ON the same time, where is too much pain you need something... sorry to hear about the tough time

03-16-2014, 07:07 PM
shoot is not good to depend all the time on opiates....ON the same time, where is too much pain you need something... sorry to hear about the tough time

Hey sweet Dee Dee, I'm so sorry I haven't felt like writing much lately, and haven"t written you. Don't worry about me. I know you do, but I'm not going to do something harmful. I'm just detoxing off this strong stuff, and seeing what they have to offer in exchange works for me. They have Neurontin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, Daypro, Diclofenac, Flector Patches, Pennsaid, I applied for a drug called Simponi. They mailed me the kits an injection thingy.lol. thingy!! You inject it once a month? I think, for the severe arthritis and Anyklosing Spondolitis, etc... in my back. Hey, they might just work. and if they do surgery, and it does work, then there ya go. But trust me, I'm on too much. At least I can be honest with myself. No doctor's out there are going to keep prescribing me what I'm on. The only reason they have, is because of that blood disorder and me being a "too high risk" patient, and not being able to have surgery. But my counts may finally be down now. I'm trying to be optomistic here woman. lol. I'm doing something I feel is good. And right. If it doesn't work out, another option then!! but I have to try something. I love ya, and you cracked me up in another thread just a minute ago I read. you kill me woman. I love ya that way though. D.

03-16-2014, 07:15 PM
Dorrie....Im proud of you....take control of your life and make the best decisions for you. We are always here if you get down and need a chat!!! Take care of yourself!!!

03-16-2014, 07:22 PM

Dorrie and Eman are so bad ass. They just get right on with dealing with their problems. Such spirit.

Send me an opiate in the post Dorrie. Something nice! ;)

Gonna miss you, but wishing you every bit of luck in the world. I wish I could comment more, but I don't know anything about pain meds.

03-16-2014, 07:52 PM
Much good luck to you Dorrie! :) All the thumbs are up just for you ;)

I'm positive that You'll make the right decision and hopefully it will all be for the better! We will miss you here too! Be well.... :)

03-16-2014, 08:01 PM
Hey Dorrie girl!

You take charge, figure out the problems, then choose the best course of actions to deal with them even if the decisions are not pleasant or easy..
I know that you're a very strong willed person with alot of enthusiasm and energy to share even though time are rough, tough, difficult.
I admire you, we all do Dorrie.. Blessings your way dear and hope for a better future too....
Come back when you can D!!!....

Thinking of you and your family

Enduronman & friends, members...everybody. :)

03-17-2014, 02:55 AM
Hi Dorrie,

In the very short time I have gotten to know you I have been sooooo impressed with your spirit!

Keep hold of that spirit as you travel your current path, you know what's best for you!

You will be missed if you are away, but take pride in the fact that you have given so much to so many!!! You are very loved here.

You are one of a kind dear lady!! I wish you nothing but happiness, and smooth sailing as you progress through this phase.

Please touch base when you are able!

With much love and admiration....

03-17-2014, 10:23 AM
Dorrie....Im proud of you....take control of your life and make the best decisions for you. We are always here if you get down and need a chat!!! Take care of yourself!!!

I don't know you well, but look forward to getting to know you soo soo much. You seem like the biggest sweetheart EVER!!! Your encouragement means very much to me. Take care yourself, hon. The doctor I'm using had a family emergency, I feel bad for him, and my appointment has been moved to Thursday afternoon. So I have a couple of days to relax... then panic again. Lol. No, I feel good about it. I called one of the pharmacists at the pharmacy I go to, I'm friends with my pharmacists even!!, not outside of the pharmacy though, not allowed, and told her what I was doing, and she screeched.. I'm so proud of you. My husband's been friends with his co worker for 20 yrs. Him and his wife were like... we will help in any way, watch your little boy, etc.. I didn't realize people really thought that much of me. Goes to show you, I guess. My two older boys sure are happy. Thanks for everything. D

03-17-2014, 10:38 AM

Dorrie and Eman are so bad ass. They just get right on with dealing with their problems. Such spirit.

Send me an opiate in the post Dorrie. Something nice! ;)

Gonna miss you, but wishing you every bit of luck in the world. I wish I could comment more, but I don't know anything about pain meds.

Jesse, you are too much. I called you son. Lol. You may be older than me. lol. It was a matter of speech. You are an incredible person yourself. That's why I got sooo upset at appleprune harrassing you like is still happening. I'm pretty mellow.lol. Not because I'm on pain medicine either. lol. That was just a funny to me, after I wrote the word. ha ha. Anyway.. I'm pretty mellow, until I take just so much, then I have a tendency to explode. That's when my hubb knows when to back down. lol. I got to that point again last night. I was reading along and bam, prunejuice came aboard this site, telling someone who needed help, just like me, you, e-man, frankie, dee dee, etc... some messed up wrong wrong wrong stuff. You just don't do that to someone needing help. Or to someone who's been here a long time, and helped a lot of people. I had to shut off the computer. In fear of saying something and getting banned for what I was about to say. There are sites for people to act immature and pitch fits like two yr old's. It's called DRAMA based sites. This site has obviously helped a lot of people. Me Me Me!!! And you were part of that. When I first came on it was all about my son. And I've changed that and made it more about me. But you don't let anyone push you away with mere words. There mere words Jesse. Remember that. They mean as much to you as you let them. But... that's easier said than done. I get mad reading about my friends being attacked. But I have even more respect for you than ever. You stood your ground, and your still here. Making people laugh when appropriate, and always willing to help when needed. Your awesome in my eyes. Take care, D.

03-17-2014, 10:42 AM
Much good luck to you Dorrie! :) All the thumbs are up just for you ;)

I'm positive that You'll make the right decision and hopefully it will all be for the better! We will miss you here too! Be well.... :)

I know I can always always always count on you for being there no matter what!! You are the extreme meaning of True Friendship. I'll be keeping in touch. Don't worry. love, D.

03-17-2014, 11:00 AM
Jesse, you are too much. I called you son. Lol. You may be older than me. lol. It was a matter of speech. You are an incredible person yourself. That's why I got sooo upset at appleprune harrassing you like is still happening. I'm pretty mellow.lol. Not because I'm on pain medicine either. lol. That was just a funny to me, after I wrote the word. ha ha. Anyway.. I'm pretty mellow, until I take just so much, then I have a tendency to explode. That's when my hubb knows when to back down. lol. I got to that point again last night. I was reading along and bam, prunejuice came aboard this site, telling someone who needed help, just like me, you, e-man, frankie, dee dee, etc... some messed up wrong wrong wrong stuff. You just don't do that to someone needing help. Or to someone who's been here a long time, and helped a lot of people. I had to shut off the computer. In fear of saying something and getting banned for what I was about to say. There are sites for people to act immature and pitch fits like two yr old's. It's called DRAMA based sites. This site has obviously helped a lot of people. Me Me Me!!! And you were part of that. When I first came on it was all about my son. And I've changed that and made it more about me. But you don't let anyone push you away with mere words. There mere words Jesse. Remember that. They mean as much to you as you let them. But... that's easier said than done. I get mad reading about my friends being attacked. But I have even more respect for you than ever. You stood your ground, and your still here. Making people laugh when appropriate, and always willing to help when needed. Your awesome in my eyes. Take care, D.

Jesse is just a baby still!!!...you're right Dorrie Girl!!...

Have a great day!!

prunejuice LMAO!! oh my.....

Enduronman.... :)

03-17-2014, 11:03 AM
Jesse is just a baby still!!!...you're right Dorrie Girl!!...

Have a great day!!

prunejuice LMAO!! oh my.....

Enduronman.... :)

HEY!!!!! It's a well known fact.... prunes give you the runs, squirts, etc... D :)

03-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Hey Dorrie girl!

You take charge, figure out the problems, then choose the best course of actions to deal with them even if the decisions are not pleasant or easy..
I know that you're a very strong willed person with alot of enthusiasm and energy to share even though time are rough, tough, difficult.
I admire you, we all do Dorrie.. Blessings your way dear and hope for a better future too....
Come back when you can D!!!....

Thinking of you and your family

Enduronman & friends, members...everybody. :)

There are no words to say E-Man. Not enough. It's been a long time since I've given any kind of an update on my son. I've wanted to keep it all about me, but he IS about me. For those of you who don't know he got in a really bad car wreck in the service and almost lost his leg, just to find out right afterwards he made "Special Forces". He stayed with us a couple of yr.s then went back home and started drinking due to depression. Developed a problem, and while in a blackout, stole two cars. One until it ran out of gas, and another, until he sobered up enough to realize what he had done. And that he had cut both of his wrists trying to commit suicide. He drove to a hospital, before he bled to death, and then turned himself in. Went to jail. Spent the first 30 days on suicide watch. This is when I joined this site. He did the 30 days and was released to the public, got into four different fights, he did not start, but finished, because he had to, to show the other inmates he wasn't afraid and would fight back. He didn't enjoy this. But things have went up a bit. He got trustee, where he works in the kitchen all day, and isn't doing nothing all day long, and actually gets to eat. And every day as trustee counts as three days for him. He's through doing time for the first car. Now he's doing the rest of his time for the second. He SOUNDS greater than ever. He's like me a lot. Joking helps during tough times. he called me up the other day and said "mom i have some good news, want to hear it?" I'm like, are you crazy of course, spit it out, spit it out. He says "I've saved a ton of money on car insurance while being in jail." And starts cracking up. I did not!!! A little. But that's the first time he's been able to do that. So far it's been nothing but I'm sorry's, I was wrong, I deserve this, bla bla bla. Beating the hell out of himself. So... doing better for the kiddo. Still hard on the momma though. I have to stay around for me, my family, and you guys. Dorrie :)

03-17-2014, 11:24 AM
Dearest darrrrrling Dorrie! :)

I'm so pleased you've been able to make a choice, a plan ....for the good of you and your home family! Your forum family are in your corner Dorrie.

Sure, sure, it's going to be a tough old couple of weeks but you've overcome a lot and you will overcome this too.

Sending you the warmest wishes for a speedy recovery through this process and we will be right here waiting for you on the other end ok.

:) be safe, be well. ( hugs)

Frankie. ;)

Why thank you honey. Did you ever reply when I asked you if you would come and stay with me and bring your puppet, if I payed for your air flight???

03-17-2014, 11:27 AM
What E-Man said. :)

13th, Thanks a lot. Very glad to becoming to get to know ya. Last time I talked to you, I think a med wasn't agreeing with you? Are you feeling better??? Thanks, D.

03-17-2014, 11:34 AM

Dorrie and Eman are so bad ass. They just get right on with dealing with their problems. Such spirit.

Send me an opiate in the post Dorrie. Something nice! ;)

Gonna miss you, but wishing you every bit of luck in the world. I wish I could comment more, but I don't know anything about pain meds.

Just one more thing, Jesse. You don't have to say a bunch of words to show support ding dong. 13th just said "Same as E-Man". It meant just as much. And you don't have to know about my problem, to be a supporting friend. You already know this, you dork!!! :) :) :) D.

03-17-2014, 11:36 AM
I don't remember did I see that Dorrie.

When I ditch the bitch (agoraphobia) I will pop round for a cup of tea then, yes!

OMG, frankie, I have so many bitches to ditch!!! :) Aint it a bitch?? Ha Ha

03-17-2014, 11:42 AM
Hi Dorrie,

In the very short time I have gotten to know you I have been sooooo impressed with your spirit!

Keep hold of that spirit as you travel your current path, you know what's best for you!

You will be missed if you are away, but take pride in the fact that you have given so much to so many!!! You are very loved here.

You are one of a kind dear lady!! I wish you nothing but happiness, and smooth sailing as you progress through this phase.

Please touch base when you are able!

With much love and admiration....

Pam, you're not too shabby yourself girl. We kind of clicked right off the bat didn't we?? You have much strength yourself. Speaking of which... mine is starting to dwindle. It does so easily. I can't help it, nor do I know when it's going to hit me. I'm going to lye down a bit I think. I'll be talking to you though. Love, D.

03-25-2014, 05:20 PM
Just letting you know how I'm doing. These withdrawel's are hell to get through, but I'm hanging in there. I'm a bit, ok...Having a lot of anxiety, Shaking, Sweating, Chills the next moment, I hate this. It's hard!! I'm having a hard time, but the one good thing is a bit of the fog is lifting from my head, and that feels great, and I know it will be ok when I get through this. I'll be honest, I'm in pain. Not major. But their (docs) are saying to be patient. They just prescribed Lyrica for the nerve damage. It's suppose to help with nerve pain. I feel a bit of pressure. Everyone is counting on me to handle these chronic pain conditions without any narcotic pain meds. I don't only NOT want to disappoint my family, but myself too. I just keep telling myself my body is craving them due to the pain. And hopefully, after they prescribe a couple of other meds...hopefully a lot. Lol. Just playing guys! I'll feel better. Just please keep those fingers crossed. I know I can do this, it's just so hard! Love to all, Dorrie

03-25-2014, 05:24 PM
Just letting you know how I'm doing. These withdrawel's are hell to get through, but I'm hanging in there. I'm a bit, ok...Having a lot of anxiety, Shaking, Sweating, Chills the next moment, I hate this. It's hard!! I'm having a hard time, but the one good thing is a bit of the fog is lifting from my head, and that feels great, and I know it will be ok when I get through this. I'll be honest, I'm in pain. Not major. But their (docs) are saying to be patient. They just prescribed Lyrica for the nerve damage. It's suppose to help with nerve pain. I feel a bit of pressure. Everyone is counting on me to handle these chronic pain conditions without any narcotic pain meds. I don't only NOT want to disappoint my family, but myself too. I just keep telling myself my body is craving them due to the pain. And hopefully, after they prescribe a couple of other meds...hopefully a lot. Lol. Just playing guys! I'll feel better. Just please keep those fingers crossed. I know I can do this, it's just so hard! Love to all, Dorrie

Hey Dorrie! Great to know you're still fighting and keeping strong, just don't put too much pressure on yourself. I doubt you'd disappoint you family, I'm just sure they want to see you be better that's all :) Glad you're well and best of luck to you :)

03-25-2014, 06:25 PM
Hey Dorrie,

Glad to hear from you!

Stick it out ! That's great that the fog is lifting. Sorry that the withdrawals suck so much.

Your going to do great! Hang in there.


03-26-2014, 03:02 PM
Thank you so much for that forgiveandforget19!! Thank goodness for IPADS and TABLET'S!! I can sit up in the bed and log on for a bit, when I feel well enough, and get online for a bit. I'm feeling much better today. Still shaky and a couple of other little things I'll be glad of when their GONE!! lol. But my head hasn't bean this clear in a while. I didn't realize just how foggy my head was. Feeling a little better today!! Bless you for caring to write. Means more than you know. dorrie

03-26-2014, 03:08 PM
I hope you gona come out of that deep hole new and revived. Good luck sweetheart:))

03-26-2014, 03:26 PM
Good luck Dorrie. Stay with it.

I take lyrica. E-man does too. Hope it helps you some. Hugs.

Thank you honey!! Doing a bit better today. The Lyrica works great. It's expensive. But it's better than the other. My head feels sooo much clearer. I'm not saying I'm all okay. I went to the doctor Thursday, and had to turn around and just go back home, and we had to go back Monday. So, I quit my meds Sunday, and went Monday. So this is only day three. It is not as bad as the experience I had four yrs ago. I was just put in a room, and went off my meds cold turkey, with no medication help for withdrawls until the 3rd day in there. I was given a couple of meds to help the first day. It's much better. Still awful, but I feel well enough at the moment to sit up on my fluffy pillows and use my Ipad to respond to you all. Thanks for all your support. I feel kind of bad. I know you recently have went through a rough time, and I felt so bad I wasn't there for you. Didn't help you with any words of encouragement. I hope you know I DO care a lot, and now, when I get to really feeling better, and my heads all the way clearer, well that will never happen. Lol., I hope to be a better friend. Just know I'm sorry I haven't said anything. I have so much admiration for you. You have come so far, and you may still be having some challenges, but I think anyways... this place and the people here have definitely helped you a lot. Me too!! I admire you a lot for being strong. I'm always here for you too. Well, give me a couple more days!!! Lol. Love, Dorrie

03-26-2014, 03:39 PM
I hope you gona come out of that deep hole new and revived. Good luck sweetheart:))

Hey my Dee Dee girl. Well... as I shared with frankie, I'm doing better at this than I thought. It's still not fun, but with them giving me medicine to help with the withdrawls, it's a lot better than the past experience when I did something similar to this. I must admit, OHHH, I didn't tell anyone... but I'm not in the hospital. Here I was thinking my hubby wasn't being as caring as of late. I was wrong. He took the week off to let me stay home and help me get through this. So I could be at home. I actually got to sit on the couch and watch a movie with him today. A good one too. It's called "Home Front". Great movie!! That hottie is a bad a-- dude in this movie, let me tell ya. I love having an Ipad to use in bed. Technology today is awesome!! lol. Well, I'll write you a note later. Going to sign off shortly. I will yell at you later. Love, D

03-26-2014, 03:49 PM
Pammmm!!!! How's my friend doing??? Thank you for your words and your tremendous support. I'm doing okay. Once in a bit, I feel like sitting up and signing on to respond when I can. But I did get up for a while today. Watched a great flick on TV. "Home Front"!! We loved it. I love movies with those really good looking, kind of rough on the edges, being a total Kick A--!! Lol. I'm going to try and eat. I have so much more energy today. I was really feeling BAD yesterday. I really am going to get through this Okay. I'm still struggling with some anxiety. Duh?? Well, talk to you later sweetie. Love, D p.s. Still need those thumbs up for a couple more days. :)

03-26-2014, 03:53 PM
Dorrie....Im proud of you....take control of your life and make the best decisions for you. We are always here if you get down and need a chat!!! Take care of yourself!!!

Hey trinidiva, thank you again for your support. How are you?? Doing well I HOPE!! Dorrie

03-26-2014, 05:12 PM
Pammmm!!!! How's my friend doing??? Thank you for your words and your tremendous support. I'm doing okay. Once in a bit, I feel like sitting up and signing on to respond when I can. But I did get up for a while today. Watched a great flick on TV. "Home Front"!! We loved it. I love movies with those really good looking, kind of rough on the edges, being a total Kick A--!! Lol. I'm going to try and eat. I have so much more energy today. I was really feeling BAD yesterday. I really am going to get through this Okay. I'm still struggling with some anxiety. Duh?? Well, talk to you later sweetie. Love, D p.s. Still need those thumbs up for a couple more days. :)


You keep going just like today! And the thumbs are definitely up HIGH! You must be feeling good to reply to all these posts!

I hear you in those movies, sometimes the eye candy is sufficient to keep me interrested! Plot what plot ? Who cares!!! Lol

Anyway keep it up, build on the successes and ride out the crap!! And it's all crap....but who am I kidding? You know that.

I look forward to hearing the adventures of Dorrie when you are able! Luv ya!
P .

03-26-2014, 05:14 PM
BTW.....LOVE LOVE LOVE the avatar!!!! Very cool!

03-26-2014, 07:07 PM
the avatar just blew my mind off , Dorrie you are flower yourself, I hope you will get through it :)and be with us

03-27-2014, 10:48 AM
the avatar just blew my mind off , Dorrie you are flower yourself, I hope you will get through it :)and be with us

Well I was looking for a rose, and that kinda captured me. Part of my mommas name was Rose, one of my favorite memories as a child was our huge rose bush and picking them and taking them to all of the neighbors, my favorite song is "The Rose " from Bette Middler, my favorite flower, and it made me think about always finding the beauty inside of you! ! :) :) :)

03-27-2014, 11:12 AM
the avatar just blew my mind off , Dorrie you are flower yourself, I hope you will get through it :)and be with us

Dee Dee, you're a flower yourself. You can be a giant Sunflower at times. .. hee hee, but the most beautiful in the bouquet most of the time. :) :) :)

03-27-2014, 11:16 AM

You keep going just like today! And the thumbs are definitely up HIGH! You must be feeling good to reply to all these posts!

I hear you in those movies, sometimes the eye candy is sufficient to keep me interrested! Plot what plot ? Who cares!!! Lol

Anyway keep it up, build on the successes and ride out the crap!! And it's all crap....but who am I kidding? You know that.

I look forward to hearing the adventures of Dorrie when you are able! Luv ya!
P .

you're hilarious Pam. Adventures. . Ha ha!! I sure have a few, that's for sure. Love D.