View Full Version : Things have gotten weird and now I'm stressed again...

03-16-2014, 06:03 PM
So over the weekend some weird stuff went down with a friend of mine. He came over yesterday and spent some time with my fiancé and I gaming and catching up and stuff. I had a bit of a prang in my car when we took him home and he sort of took over my fiancé. He started trying to calm me down, asked for a hug after I hugged my fiancé and when I walked off for a breather he chased me and pulled me into this really awkward cuddle like my fiancé would. However, my fiancé didn't see him do this and when I told him about it, combined with the previous hug pushed his buttons and he got really angry and feels like my friend has crossed the line, as do I. We want to sit and talk to him about it because it was so awkward, and we've both known for a while he has feelings for me. Can anyone over any advice in this situation? My stress levels are killing me and my panic attacks are loving it.....