View Full Version : urgh

03-16-2014, 05:20 PM
As some of you already know i've been really worried the past few days about a blood clot. I have a pain under my left ribs & i'm scared incase it has possibly travelled to my lung!! These past few days have been really hard, i just want this feeling to leave me! Every thought is about my health, i just can't seem to shift it. I can't remember the last time i looked forward to something or even enjoyed myself.

03-16-2014, 05:30 PM
As some of you already know i've been really worried the past few days about a blood clot. I have a pain under my left ribs & i'm scared incase it has possibly travelled to my lung!! These past few days have been really hard, i just want this feeling to leave me! Every thought is about my health, i just can't seem to shift it. I can't remember the last time i looked forward to something or even enjoyed myself.

(Me again).

Just quickly jolting your memory about rubbing the rib if it hurts it's muscle/nerve (you can't feel the lung).

Anyway main point!

Do you notice a pattern to your worry?

It seems (I may be wrong) that your thought process goes askew on an evening or weekend (basically when there are no doctors surgery open)?

03-16-2014, 05:38 PM
(Me again).

Just quickly jolting your memory about rubbing the rib if it hurts it's muscle/nerve (you can't feel the lung).

Anyway main point!

Do you notice a pattern to your worry?

It seems (I may be wrong) that your thought process goes askew on an evening or weekend (basically when there are no doctors surgery open)?

Its like an annoying pain stuck under it..

Since i've started my meds my health anxiety has been worse. Yeah that worrys me a bit aswell about the docs been shut at the weekends but not a huge deal.

03-16-2014, 05:47 PM
Its like an annoying pain stuck under it.. Since i've started my meds my health anxiety has been worse. Yeah that worrys me a bit aswell about the docs been shut at the weekends but not a huge deal.

How long have you been on them (they can increase anxiety short term when you start them).

Ok if the pain is underneath, try stretching (arms up high in the air) side to side (like they do on the exercise vids) stretch it out and see if it eases. :)

03-16-2014, 06:27 PM
Just be patient with the meds Ido!!! Still proud of you for giving them a go!!!...YAY!!!

E-Man.. :)

03-17-2014, 03:15 AM
How long have you been on them (they can increase anxiety short term when you start them).

Ok if the pain is underneath, try stretching (arms up high in the air) side to side (like they do on the exercise vids) stretch it out and see if it eases. :)

I've been on my meds for 2 weeks.

03-17-2014, 03:53 AM
Hi Ido,

You are just at the point where you will start to see the meds kicking in.

Stick with it, you've come this far and the good stuff is going to start happening.

You're doing well!
Believe it!
