View Full Version : fear of harming and superstition

04-16-2008, 06:42 AM
hello people, I've been suffering from anxiety now for the last year and a half, it was triggered by a fainting incident which freaked me out, but now that im over that incident which i was able to about 6 months in to my anxiety condition, my fear keeps on shifting onto other things!

at the moment I have the fear of harming someone and going crazy, Im not a voilent person, but I keep getting underlying feelings of having really cruel intensions to a loved one and a feeling like im going to do something awful to them, also when someone is talking to me its almost like half of me is listening to what there saying and the other half is wanting to do something nasty to them, but theres a feeling of sneakyness about it which freaks me out, does anyone have any insight to this, if so how did they overcome it?

another big problem of mine is superstition, i cant bloody stand it, im being superstitious about things like 'if i do this then will harm someone', but there are massess worse things that iv been superstitious about, i find it so hard to stop them from entering my mind and no one gives me proper answers as to whether superstition exists or not? I just feel like im losing me! how do you stop it?

04-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Fear of harming someoe? When it comes to obsessive thoughts, this one is BY FAR the most common. But as with ANY kind of obsessive thoughts, it really means nothing. The best thing to do is to ignore it and let it pass. Don't 'pick up' this thought and try to thin about what it means OR react to it with even more fear. Also, don't try to push it out of your head. As for superstition, look at this in the exact same way. By not giving in to these things, they will go away in time - but it might be a while. So keep this in mind.