View Full Version : Question that im sure you guys can help with

03-16-2014, 02:38 PM
Does anyone experience anxiety like they don't like taking long trips or even working because they wonder if there gonna make it through the day and not get weak and pass out. I never actually pass out but I do get really weak out of nowhere and I always wonder man where's my exit if that happens I also have huge issues riding passenger because I'm not in control.

03-16-2014, 02:42 PM
I have a question for you. Were you Baer, or TMR?

Tell me how you trolled already!!

And yes, I've had this, and everytime you look for your exits, and indulge in that comforting behaviour, it reinforces the belief that something is wrong. A subconscious feeling of anxiety being confirmed by your conscious decision to look for exists, ponder what could go wrong, or feed your apprension.

Choose better behaviour in the future, that doesn't reaffirm to your mind that there could be a problem, and you may just see this cycle break.

03-16-2014, 02:48 PM
Yea I don't even like to be in traffic jams lol but I can usually deal with it...I just meant trolling like I just would read other peoples experiences..I didn't register or have a screen name lol but after reading I couldn't help but to respond simply because I knew exactly what they were going through