View Full Version : a little help?

03-16-2014, 01:15 PM
Hello there,

This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down. (Lol if you know what that is from)

....anyways. cant have any cow by products or proteins and no soy. Anyone else with this allergy? I'm struggling to find food I can eat. Resources? Ugh:( happy to have an answer, but not sure where to start.

03-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Classic Fresh Prince! :D

Do they sell rice milk where you are? Maybe you could order some. It's not bad. They make it well now. Good for weight loss too. I don't really like dairy, kinda makes you fat. Rice milk keeps me nice and cut.

That's breakfast sorted...

03-16-2014, 03:38 PM
Hello there, This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down. (Lol if you know what that is from) ....anyways. cant have any cow by products or proteins and no soy. Anyone else with this allergy? I'm struggling to find food I can eat. Resources? Ugh:( happy to have an answer, but not sure where to start.

I am dairy free as well- I'm a Vegan. Jesse is right- rice milk is awesome and tastes just like real milk. I eat a lot of salads with dressings that don't contain eggs or milk. I also eat corn pasta (it's gluten free) with organic pasta sauce. Of course fruit and vegetables is obvious ... I used to not love them but now I crave them!

03-16-2014, 03:53 PM
Anxiety cat, where do you find these foods? Would you be able to give me some specific brands?

03-16-2014, 03:59 PM
Cat, have you ever tried to make rice milk? I tried making it once when the store was out of it. It tasted horrible lol

Alaina, are you back eating gluten, or do you still have to avoid that for svt reasons?

Once you find a good place to buy your speciality items, the battle is soooo much easier. In London it's amazing. You walk into a store, everything labelled into sections; milk free, gluten free, egg free, sugar free, etc etc.

03-16-2014, 04:05 PM
I'm a on the path of vegan as well. But as anxiety cat said try rice milk. Pick up a steamer and make some steamy loving foods. Squash and zucchinis are amazing foods to eat. But you are not alone hunni. We all have food allergies. My daughter can't eat pig or cow or anything hormone treated. I'm allergic to corn and cannot digest red meats well any meat anymore. So yea vegan. You will actually feel a whole bunch better.
A great place to start is looking at health food stores, next is to look at your local stores on veggies that look good.
Here is a websites with a whole bunch of vegan recipes.

03-16-2014, 04:06 PM
Anxiety cat, where do you find these foods? Would you be able to give me some specific brands?

Sure! In my big chain grocery store the corn pasta and rice milk are in the organic section. You can also get them at Whole Foods or Fresh Market.

The rice milk brand is called Rice Dream and the corn pasta is Sam Mills.