View Full Version : Is this from the anxiety?

03-16-2014, 12:00 PM
I'm kind of confused right now, because I got a symptom that was NOT from the anxiety 3 months ago. I couldn't breath correctly and I thought it was from the anxiety. It wasn't. My back was f***ed up.

This is why I'm so confused, I don't know if it's the anxiety or not. Here's my symptoms:

- Heart palps
- Dizzy
- Chest pain
- Fast heart rate 80-100 bpm
- Chills
- High body temperature only at night(?)
- My eyes are really red
- Tired constantly
- Faint feeling

I've heard it can be POTS. I don't know. I've seen my doc, it was 2 months ago tho. I'm gonna see her again in 2 weeks.

03-16-2014, 01:38 PM
They're all anxiety symptoms, so, could be.

Tricky cos some physical disorders mimic anxiety symptoms too.

Usually a blood test and a checkup is a good place to begin, then for 6 months after, just assume everything is anxiety unless something horrific comes along.

Once you practice ignoring anxiety symptoms, you learn to know what's real, as it always sticks around.

03-16-2014, 02:26 PM
Dude , You are starting to let this shit control your life and that is not good .

Is it anxiety ??

Well i have anxiety , so i think the chances are that it is , I will accept it for a bit ,, maybe a day or two and then if its still there i will look into it .

Anxiety is a bitch but one thing is most symptoms come in waves and do not say long . problem is most people panic before seeing this .

go and see a doctor , have a chat . And stop Goggling and dont bullshit me your not .

I'm so frustrated man. New symptoms every day, that actually can lead to some serious diseases. Can you ignore something that may be a threat? Your body constantly giving you warning signals that you may be in danger. Constantly fast heart rate, constantly.

Now, I've gotten used to it. I'm not worrying. But I need to know what to expect. I need to know whether anxiety can cause this or not.

The other day I was pissing blood. I didn't panic or anything. And I highly doubt it's from the anxiety. But I need to know, this is why I'm asking so much.

Yeah, I've been using google alot now. It's kind of my doctor tbh. If I didn't have any answers, I would just start to worry :|

03-16-2014, 02:33 PM
If there is blood in your urine then that is not a symptom of Anxiety and you need to get checked out. Could be kidney/bladder infection or maybe kidney stones in which you'd be in some intense pain.

03-16-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm kind of confused right now, because I got a symptom that was NOT from the anxiety 3 months ago. I couldn't breath correctly and I thought it was from the anxiety. It wasn't. My back was f***ed up.

This is why I'm so confused, I don't know if it's the anxiety or not. Here's my symptoms:

- Heart palps
- Dizzy
- Chest pain
- Fast heart rate 80-100 bpm
- Chills
- High body temperature only at night(?)
- My eyes are really red
- Tired constantly
- Faint feeling

I've heard it can be POTS. I don't know. I've seen my doc, it was 2 months ago tho. I'm gonna see her again in 2 weeks.

Gotta treat the GERD first son, then see what else is left behind...The tiredness is because you aren't getting enough real sleep (just guessing) and you lay there and worry about all this other shit, when 80% of it could be corrected with a GERD medication..

As we had chatted about, yes, you have anxiety and a medication to treat that would also be in order too bruh...

It's time for Elias to take control because it is quickly spinning out of control into other "areas and realms" of anxiety...

Enduronman.. :)

03-16-2014, 02:38 PM
Five years i have been like this and not dead yet . Go and see a doctor . Google is not a doctor , it is a list of symptoms . A doctor will look at all symptoms and work out what it could be and start testing from there until a answer is found . I had this discussion with my doctor yesterday . I sat there saying i have this and that symptom and he would say well it could be this or that . It was only when we placed all of them together to work out what it fits better with . Honestly go and see a doctor . The peeing blood is different but nothing would surprise me about anxiety . I know i pooed it a few times . Go see the doctor before you send yourself crazy with it all .

I agree googling symptoms just makes your brain think that you have more issues. Best not to google these things cause your anxiety will just include everything you googled. I've had it for 12 years and never came any way close to dying. Get checked out by a good pdoc and start to enjoy life.

03-16-2014, 03:17 PM
Yes, there was blood in my urine. It was only one time tho, that's why I'm not worried.

I'm going to see my doc in 2 weeks. And yes I'm going to ask for medication for GERD and the anxiety. Last time I was there, she didn't want to prescribe me anything, because apparently I wasn't in a state where I needed meds :/

It's not like I've lost control over it. But I get questions. Lots of them. I'm NOT worried tho.

What should I do when I get a new symptom then? How am I supposed to know if it's from the anxiety or not? I can't see any other option than google. I can't come here and make a new thread every time, I would be 1000 threads.

I've done EKG, blood tests and lung tests. Nothing wrong, maybe a little bit too high BP 130/70. But this was before I started to get all kinds of heart "problems", like racing/fast/hard heart beat, chest pain and heart palps.

03-16-2014, 03:25 PM
Ok dear sir I will explain something. When you Google anything.... Your mind looks for the worst outcome. I'm speaking from experience. My mind is convinced I'm going to drop dead soon. It's called health anxiety. But NEVER Google your symptoms. Pissing blood can lead to blah blah blah (death).... In simple hun it may be a UTI. But all those symptoms I've had with anxiety and or panic attacks.
Literally if your doctor tells you are fine You have to keep a positive view on it. My therapist suggesting limiting internet time. for the reason Is I will Google anything. then my mind tricks me I am dying. Even creates the symptoms. As for the bp being a little high. Stress and anxiety can do that. Just meditate and tell yourself to calm down. It does help.

03-16-2014, 03:39 PM
Okay that's a good idea. I'll start off with this Fast/hard heart beats and heart palps.

Fast/hard heart beats

I'm having this constantly. I distract myself for, lets say, 2 hours and it's still around 80-100 bpm afterwards. My resting heart rate is around 55-60 and it's only like that when I wake up. A few hours after I wake up, BOM, I get heart palps and it goes up to 80-100 bpm. It stays like this the whole day. Is this anxiety or is it something else?

(I did EKG, blood tests and lung test. Nothing wrong. BUT, that was before I started to get heart palps and racing heart beats. It was 2-3 months ago)

03-16-2014, 03:39 PM
Just telling him tips that have worked for myself. It's a good thing for one to know your not alone. -____-

03-16-2014, 03:40 PM
Ok dear sir I will explain something. When you Google anything.... Your mind looks for the worst outcome. I'm speaking from experience. My mind is convinced I'm going to drop dead soon. It's called health anxiety. But NEVER Google your symptoms. Pissing blood can lead to blah blah blah (death).... In simple hun it may be a UTI. But all those symptoms I've had with anxiety and or panic attacks.
Literally if your doctor tells you are fine You have to keep a positive view on it. My therapist suggesting limiting internet time. for the reason Is I will Google anything. then my mind tricks me I am dying. Even creates the symptoms. As for the bp being a little high. Stress and anxiety can do that. Just meditate and tell yourself to calm down. It does help.

Thanks, appreciate and value your answer! :)

03-16-2014, 03:43 PM
Fast hard heart beats - try magnesium supps.

And check your breathing. Google: Control Pause Buteyko. It's a safe google.

Do it, and it your number is below 13, you're hyperventilating, and that causes and maintains heart palps.

Other than that, if you've had the tests you're more than likely fine. It's just an anxiety symptom.

Some legit advice in here from everyone. :)

03-16-2014, 03:45 PM
Yea You have to consistently distract yourself. Anxiety can stay with you for months and take months for body to adjust back to normal. Just avoid google. Spend time telling yourself your happy and fine. Even meditate on a place you feel safe. Health anxiety is pretty much similar to the loss of control, just with of fear and illness related. It can take months for this to stop. Work out stretch even yoga.... hmmm yoga pants jk. These things do help out a bit.

03-16-2014, 03:46 PM
post in your own little thread . This one and we will just come and answer .

But post as much as you want its pretty normal .

Just 126 more pages to go Elias, and you might get this thread into the stickies like Eman ;) LOL

03-16-2014, 03:53 PM
Fast hard heart beats - try magnesium supps.

And check your breathing. Google: Control Pause Buteyko. It's a safe google.

Do it, and it your number is below 13, you're hyperventilating, and that causes and maintains heart palps.

Other than that, if you've had the tests you're more than likely fine. It's just an anxiety symptom.

Some legit advice in here from everyone. :)

Damn, that breathing thing is good. Why haven't I heard about it before? :O

I actually came up to 27, but that's because I took it like a challenge lol. Almost fainted lmao.

Thanks bruh! :)

03-16-2014, 03:59 PM
Just 126 more pages to go Elias, and you might get this thread into the stickies like Eman ;) LOL

LOL yeah :D Be ready peeps!! SYMPTOMS INCOMING!

However, I saw a post where you explained derealization/depersonalization really good. Wasn't a long time ago and I don't remember where it was. Maybe you could post it here, if you can find it ofc.

03-16-2014, 04:01 PM
Damn, that breathing thing is good. Why haven't I heard about it before? :O

I actually came up to 27, but that's because I took it like a challenge lol. Almost fainted lmao.

Thanks bruh! :)

I know bro, it's legit.

PanicCured schooled me, now I try and make sure others aren't over breathing.


It's meant to be comfortable. Your breath should be the same when you end, as when you begin. You shouldn't be out of breath when you finish doing your Control Pause.

Do it again. Get an accurate measure. It's great to know.you can monitor progress.

03-16-2014, 04:02 PM
And sorry Tezbag. Me and Alias joke around a lot. I'm totally swamping your great post. Distraction is hella important huh! :)

03-16-2014, 04:29 PM
I know bro, it's legit.

PanicCured schooled me, now I try and make sure others aren't over breathing.


It's meant to be comfortable. Your breath should be the same when you end, as when you begin. You shouldn't be out of breath when you finish doing your Control Pause.

Do it again. Get an accurate measure. It's great to know.you can monitor progress.

Well that makes it alot easier. I was flopping around like a fish at the end lmao.

Yeah, I was slightly under 13 actually. Should I just do it over and over again until I get a better result?

03-16-2014, 04:45 PM
No, that's good :)

Sounds like you've done it correctly. It's a good tool to measure your health. Higher CP means better health.

Yours is pretty low. Mine was a touch lower, it was 9. Very poor. I got dizziness, heart palps, lots of spaced out feelings and DP/ DR. I was recommended some books, and practiced and got mine to around 20. All of those sensations reduced significantly, and went.

It's a good technique.

03-16-2014, 05:06 PM
Fast hard heart beats - try magnesium supps. And check your breathing. Google: Control Pause Buteyko. It's a safe google. Do it, and it your number is below 13, you're hyperventilating, and that causes and maintains heart palps. Other than that, if you've had the tests you're more than likely fine. It's just an anxiety symptom. Some legit advice in here from everyone. :)

Hey Jessed

I just tried this and had cp of 20.33 sec. Feels pretty good. Great information

Thanks! :)

03-16-2014, 05:27 PM
Yeah it's pretty cool :). You've got a pretty decent number there. Makes sense as you've clearly done a lot of work on yourself!

**In our cases, the low CP means the health condition weighing us down is stress/anxiety. The mental health side. Don't want anybody doing it stressed, getting a low number and thinking they're ill!**

Elias, if you wanna get a higher number, and probably lose the heart palps and the DP/DR.

- Make sure you breathe always through your nose

- Make sure you breathe using your belly (put on hand on chest, one hand on belly, only belly should move really), chest breathing causes and maintains heart palps.

- And meditate. - even just 10 minutes.

This is a good place to start if you don't do those things already :) easy peasy but has results.

Won't stop you peeing blood though :-/ dunno what that was about.

03-16-2014, 06:06 PM
Yeah it's pretty cool :). You've got a pretty decent number there. Makes sense as you've clearly done a lot of work on yourself!

**In our cases, the low CP means the health condition weighing us down is stress/anxiety. The mental health side. Don't want anybody doing it stressed, getting a low number and thinking they're ill!**

Elias, if you wanna get a higher number, and probably lose the heart palps and the DP/DR.

- Make sure you breathe always through your nose

- Make sure you breathe using your belly (put on hand on chest, one hand on belly, only belly should move really), chest breathing causes and maintains heart palps.

- And meditate. - even just 10 minutes.

This is a good place to start if you don't do those things already :) easy peasy but has results.

Won't stop you peeing blood though :-/ dunno what that was about.

Thanks bruh!! Great advices!

I'll start meditate every day for about 10-20 min. How do you meditate? Just by watching videos on youtube or sitting on the floor going "....AHUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM..."?

03-16-2014, 06:21 PM
Yeah, time to raise the game now man. Don't worry, we've got you. Time to put this anxiety and DP to bed.


That link explains the best way (I think) for you to meditate. There are other ways, but I think this way will suit you best.

There's a meditation thread you should post in if you practice. Worth it, it's life and mind changing after some time.

03-17-2014, 12:00 PM
Another one...Dizzy spells

I get some kind of attacks, where I feel as if I don't have any energy and I just want to lay down. It gets worse when I have heart palps.

Anxiety can cause this? Any tips on how to reduce it or something?