View Full Version : Feeling like nothing is real..?

04-15-2008, 10:07 PM
I have had anxiety since I was 12, panic attacks for about a year now. But lately, maybe 1-2 months ago, it feels like nothing is real(people, places, etc.) Just like, hazy or a dream. I have sweaty plams constantly. I don't mind the panic attacks as much as this. The feelings is AWFUL. I just wanted to know if it falls along as one of the classic symptoms and if you all experience it as well. If so I will be so relieved. I just hope it isn't something like psychosis(My mum scared me about that)

So can someone tell me if they have it and the differences between the depersonalization and that of psychosis?

Thank you so much in advance.. :cry:

04-15-2008, 10:17 PM
Depersonalization (also often referred to as 'unreality') is a VERY common symptom of anxiety. And honestly, it is probably THE most disturbing one, since it really CAN make you feel like you are going crazy. But experiencing unreality does NOT mean that you are developing any kind of psychosis. Although I could not possibly list all the differences between unreality and psychosis, a key difference is the fact that you recognize a problem. Psychotic people think all the weirdness is perfectly normal. Anyway, the way to deal with unreality is to accept it and recognize it as an anxiety symptom. It is a direct result of high anxiety. And when anxiety is reduced, unreality will disappear as well. Just realize that it will probably take some time for this to happen.

04-15-2008, 10:31 PM
Thank you so much for this.

It's hard when your family cannot give you any sort of relevant imput on the matter. My mom literally said 'I think you have a deeper mental illness' to me the other night. This triggered quite an attack, the whole time I was terrified I was going to go insane and lose my mind.

The fact that this is a common symptom really helps. To me it sucks the worse, it honestly feels like not living. But now that I know this I should be able to get on track to conquer it.

04-16-2008, 01:05 PM
I feel like this A LOT. I sit some days and just feel like everything is a dream. There's this feeling, mostly a fear, that feels like I'm talking to someone in my head almost. I just feel all weird, and I'm afraid to let go of the feelings of anxiety, because I'm afraid that, due to the unreality, if I let go and don't think about it, I'll slip and lose my mind. It's an annoying feeling, but I've been dealing with it for a few months now, but I still occasionally get the fear that I'm schizophrenic. The obsessive thoughts follow it too. I strayed a bit off topic, my apologies, but venting feels good. Also, I've started feeling a lot more 'real' since I've been exercising everyday, I recommend it if you're not.

05-13-2008, 11:31 PM

Yes I have been lifting weights since I was about 13. I am 17 now- and find that it helps a bit.

Update:The symptoms of unreality have been pretty bad lately, but not as bad as usual. I credit this to b-vitamin supplementation and a positive attitude.

The fear of a deeper mental illness has been replaced with the fear of a heart attack. It's truly crazy what your mind can get you to think when you have anxiety :roll:

05-14-2008, 12:44 AM
Yeah, that feeling of the world being unreal aint no fun, it scared the hell out of me so bad that i prevented myself from having another panic attack for 10 years and still counting, thats my biggest fear, my mother describes it as looking through a window, she also suffers from anxiety, the difference is she has the panic attacks and has gotten use to that unreal feeling. One place that makes me feel anxious is really bright florecent lights; it feels very sureal.

If you keep yourself from having the panic attacks, that unreal feeling will go away and you will feel grounded. What the panic attack has done is made you feel like you died or crossed over so to speak. But you are still here, try to use all your senses; smell, touch, feel, etc and you will feel more grounded

05-14-2008, 07:12 AM
Yeah, that feeling of the world being unreal aint no fun, it scared the hell out of me so bad that i prevented myself from having another panic attack for 10 years and still counting, thats my biggest fear, my mother describes it as looking through a window, she also suffers from anxiety, the difference is she has the panic attacks and has gotten use to that unreal feeling. One place that makes me feel anxious is really bright florecent lights; it feels very sureal.

If you keep yourself from having the panic attacks, that unreal feeling will go away and you will feel grounded. What the panic attack has done is made you feel like you died or crossed over so to speak. But you are still here, try to use all your senses; smell, touch, feel, etc and you will feel more grounded

So much of what I read here is what I go thru too and I am 50 yrs. young!! :) I can have some great days where I feel normal and grounded and can talk to neighbours etc and then some days, sitting with a friend even and having a drink or lunch (NO ALCOHOL) and I feel room closing in and my throat tightening up! I have found alcohol only amplifies my problems where it use to totally relax me. Not any more.

You mention "Use your senses more"......Good thought. Hugs are great but unfortunately my husband has been a totally detached person, rarely affection hugs (only if he wants sex.) Hardly ever kisses me. I really miss that connection. Let's just say I made a big mistake with him. My son is the most affectionate person in this family......he's 17 and jokes with me a ton! He gives me alot of hugs. :) It makes a person feel more real when there's that human connection. I like your thoughts dna_hard!