View Full Version : I need someone to tell me it's going to be okay..

03-16-2014, 10:43 AM
So my anxiety, procrastination, and avoidance have really gotten me into a doozy this time around and I'm afraid that this time I may have really screwed things up beyond repair. Anything to do with my car for some reason is a HUGE trigger if anxiety for me. I think because without a car I'm trapped with no way to get to work as well as it is a big source of financial worry for me. I had a light go on my car months ago but I feared bringing it in to have it looked at because I was convinced that it was going to be something major enough to either make the car undriveable or a repair that I could not afford. So stupid me... I wait until I have to get it inspected which is if course at the last minute. Turns out not to be a huge deal but took a few trips to the mechanic. So I go to renew my tags on the last possible day before I can get ticketed which is just how it worked.

Now to back track here is where I did something stupid because of my anxiety. Over the summer I wasn't working and missed an insurance payment. Instead of calling the company to work something out which would have sent me into a mild panic attack I let it go. I thought I could catch up once I started back at work. Well I couldn't and they dropped me. I let my insurances lapse about a month before I realized and then panicked and got a new policy with a different company thinking that I was just lucky not to have been pulled over or gotten into an accident.

Turns out in the state I'm living in if your insurance lapses you are fined and get your tags revoked for a month. I never thought to notify the DMV that I had gotten new insurance. So I can't renew my tags and I was told I could call the DMV for a hearing to get temporary tags but they don't have to grant one. I'm absolutely terrified! If I can't drive I can't get to work and then I don't know what to do. I'm kicking myself for being so irresponsible and stupid. I've been in a state of panic for most of the weekend overthinking and worrying myself sick about calling Monday morning and my mind has already been preparing for the worst. It's so bad I've decided to call out sick from work tomorrow. I'm just so scared. .. Please don't judge me for bring irresponsible. I just need some advice to get through this. Thanks!

03-16-2014, 10:53 AM
It will be ok :)

I do stuff like that all the time. I always miss appointments because I get into a panic attack and then I get charged and once it was up to $100. I don't consider it irresponsible because I'm not skipping an appointment just because I want to go shopping instead or something- I kiss it because I'm having or panic attack or afraid I will have one.

Then there's the times I get myself all worked up and the end result that I thought would happen never happens and it turns out to be just fine.

03-16-2014, 11:22 AM
Thanks Butterfly... I feel a bit better after getting that out to SOMEONE.

I tend to always focus on the worst scenario and it usually is never as bad as I think but I'm afraid that someday if I take anything lightly I'll become too complacent and really mess up if that makes any sense at all.

I hope I'm wrong this time. No matter what the outcome though I am calling up either my doctor or a counseling center tomorrow morning after I deal with the DMV mess for an appointment to start getting some help and back on meds .

03-16-2014, 01:16 PM
I just confided in a friend and now I feel worse! He basically was like Jesus... Then told me to not stress too much until after I call and try to relax until then but I can't. My chest feels ready to explode and I can't keep my hands still. I've been crying and barely are since Fri night. If they tell me nothing can be done I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll sooner die than call my folks for help. I'm really scared.

03-16-2014, 02:04 PM
Don't be scared. I know it's hard- but let's try to focus on something else- do you have a favorite movie you can put on?

Try to eat a little something--if you haven't ate, it can make you feel more anxious.