View Full Version : Really struggling

03-16-2014, 07:36 AM
Hi guys,

This is a great place to say how i'm feeling because a lot of the time I feel like such a massive burden on the people in my life I don't want to keep talking to them. I have been so depressed recently, my anxiety has reached a huge high and it's left me feeling so unhappy. Then to top it off yesterday my boss told me our company is struggling and I am going to need to go part time, which i'm not going to be able to do because I won't be able to afford my rent, bills etc. It's really made me feel awful, my job was the one thing that kept my mind off things and having money gave me a small sense of freedom from life and now I am going to lose that. I don't want another job as I struggle so much with my depression, this one was so perfect for me. I really feel like there isn't much point anymore, I am so deeply unhappy in every sense of my life, I have severe social anxiety about my own friends and can't bare the thought of feeling like that for much longer and my boyfriend is starting to get a bit annoyed with my constant silence/moaning. I don't know where to go from here

03-16-2014, 10:00 AM
Are you taking any medications to help with your depression?