View Full Version : Ugh another symptom... :(

03-15-2014, 12:29 PM
Ugh. I hate to start threads like this.

I'm having new symptoms everyday. Litterally. Every time, it surprises me with something new. Every time, I don't know whether it really is the anxiety causing them or if it's something else. I usually say f*ck it. And I did to this one too, but it's bothering me all the f*cking time. It makes me more anxious since there's actually a connection between heart diseases/problems and anxiety.

However, this is the latest symptom I've got. Chest pain. Not really the chest area, but left rib to the back. It's kind of burning. What can this be? Is it indeed from the anxiety? or is it something else? I think it's from the anxiety, but a confirmation would be good. I'm going to see my doc in 2 weeks.

I've also decided to take meds, because if this lasts too long, than it is in fact dangerous. Too much stress can lead to 1000 heart diseases.

I had an appointment with my doc 2 months ago and she said she didn't want to prescribe me anything, because apparently she didn't like to prescribe meds to someone in my age (19). She just fed the fear of taking meds more. I'm just so confused right now. ugh

03-15-2014, 12:36 PM
I know just what you mean. Every other panic attack I find something new. I can't really help you out with the chest pain, but maybe we could try to compare other symptoms. XD

03-15-2014, 12:39 PM
One day I will strangle you, that's for sure. Young man I am dealing with anxiety for over 30 years, maybe whole my life, as a child I probably did not recognize it or had no knowledge what I was going through..... Every day anxiety shows different colors, this is why we go to doc so often and ask for many tests. reducing the stress in your life is number one. Quit on checking the site, the phone, chose something which relax you, spend time exercising and having fun outside, have a good easy job, which you love then come back and tell me that you still have anxiety. You are 19 what are you doing here. I found you as a smart young man with some problems but I have the feeling that you are strong enough to bit the b****:))) Good luck

F*** the spell checker :)

03-15-2014, 12:59 PM
One day I will strangle you, that's for sure. Young man I am dealing with anxiety for over 30 years, maybe whole my life, as a child I probably did not recognize it or had no knowledge what I was going through..... Every day anxiety shows different colors, this is why we go to doc so often and ask for many tests. reducing the stress in your life is number one. Quit on checking the site, the phone, chose something which relax you, spend time exercising and having fun outside, have a good easy job, which you love then come back and tell me that you still have anxiety. You are 19 what are you doing here. I found you as a smart young man with some problems but I have the feeling that you are strong enough to bit the b****:))) Good luck

F*** the spell checker :)

Haha! :D

I'm 19 and what am I doing here. I don't know Dahila :( I ask myself that question every day. Everyone I know in my age is out there, enjoying life while I'm sitting here, b*tching about my problems. Why me? Why do I have this and not my neighbor who is a much worse person than me. I'm not a weak person with a weak mentality and I just don't know how this could hit me.

You know, the anxiety itself is not a problem for me. But the stress that comes along with life, my obligations; I just can't snooze everything. Stress is included in life. Having both the anxiety and daily problems, just feeds the anxiety. You know, I took a break from everything. Even school. The anxiety started to reduce and I felt good again. It reduced so much; I overcame my panic attacks. But now, when I got back into everything, it just got worse.

As I said, I can't snooze life :|

Oh, well. But this is a normal symptom? Ugh f*ck it who cares, if I die, I die happy. Cya.

03-15-2014, 01:01 PM
Check for food allergies just saying.not related to your chest pain, but certainly your anxiety.