View Full Version : Physical Symtpoms

03-15-2014, 10:30 AM
I was wondering if anyone here feels short of breath a lot? I notice my anxiety, personally, is escalated by physical symptoms. I seem to always pay too much attention, and fear, these symptoms. Sometimes these physical symptoms are from my anxiety, and sometimes they are my own doing (exercise, etc.). I have just been noticing lately that whenever I get short of breath, or even hold my breath, I feel like my body is going into an anxiety attack (or at least it raises my anxiety). Sometimes I feel my body tingle, I get dizzy, sweat, and feel like my mind is out in left field. I have always described my nerves as highly over reactive and was wondering what everyone else thinks? Thanks!!!

03-15-2014, 10:35 AM
Yes , i struggle with this as well . I recently this past weekened have encountered breathing like shallow breathing to a point where im yawning to get air into my lungs i feel worse and cant focus or out of it especially when im in class its so hard to try and breathe i find it goes away when not thinking about it .. As soon as you start thinking about your breathing your breathing starts getting out of the norm your body is trained to focus on its breathing itself so try Breathing exercises or before anything take 1 deep breathe to send a relaxation signal to your body i find drinking water sort of helps for me . I wish you the best and hope you feel Better
-Have a great day 😄

03-15-2014, 10:45 AM
I have noticed a feeling of breathing in dry air even when I was jogging the other day. I am not in the best of shape, but am trying to get there. I went on runs every day prior, with no problems, just that day I felt like I has hyperventilating for a minute. Maybe I am pushing too hard or maybe I am just worrying prior to the jog?

03-15-2014, 10:50 AM
I get that actually thats why i get anxiety while walking or doing any jog or walk because u hyperventilate a lot and think about my anxiety and start to feel dizzy or just want to stop because i focus on my breathing to much and think about it but i am definatley trying to get back to trying to be healthy going to try and do some workout at home to i get myself use to not thinking about it or getting anxiety .

03-15-2014, 11:03 AM
Yes, lack of oxygen at times will trigger adrenaline in those who have a delicate short term reaction system. Most of us panic and anxiety attack sufferers have a VERY delicate system, so any little startle can trigger adrenaline which in turn will trigger the attack. The best advice I can give you is awareness, when you are short of breathe try to be aware that it is with good reason (either you are holding your breathe, not breathing correctly, or you are exercising). Once you do that your brain will tell itself "oh thats why" and thus trigger less anxiety because your body is aware that is normal, and no actual threat is present.

03-15-2014, 12:08 PM
shortness of breath is a *very* common symptom of anxiety. Mercifully I haven't had this symptom in a long time, although I have gotten it in the past. And yes, the physical symptoms can and will escalate Anxiety. Anxiety tends to feed on itself because the symptoms of Anxiety are often as distressing as the source of the Anxiety itself! The first time I felt my face and scalp starting to go numb and my tongue tasted like metal, I thought I was having a stroke or a brain tumor. Not fun at all!

03-15-2014, 02:42 PM
I have constant dizziness. When I say dizziness it's more like a strange feeling in my head. It makes me feel giddy, off balance and I think "am I going to be able to walk??" It's awful.
But I can now let it happen and remain calm. So I'm hoping once my overstimulated nervous system calms down it will stop firing off this symptom. That's what I hope for anyway!!
I do still have the thoughts of "am I having seizures, is it a tumour or brain cancer" bc it's so intense

03-16-2014, 10:54 AM
I have constant dizziness. When I say dizziness it's more like a strange feeling in my head. It makes me feel giddy, off balance and I think "am I going to be able to walk??" It's awful. But I can now let it happen and remain calm. So I'm hoping once my overstimulated nervous system calms down it will stop firing off this symptom. That's what I hope for anyway!! I do still have the thoughts of "am I having seizures, is it a tumour or brain cancer" bc it's so intense

I have this too. Just started within the last week. I still get scared when it happens and honk something's wrong inside my head so that makes it worse. Is there anything you take to help with the constant dizziness?

03-16-2014, 12:37 PM
I have this too. Just started within the last week. I still get scared when it happens and honk something's wrong inside my head so that makes it worse. Is there anything you take to help with the constant dizziness?

Yes same. No I don't take anything. I've had it for 2 years now. It gets worse when I'm in a store, my vision goes like slow motion and I feel off balance. Do you get that too??

03-16-2014, 12:51 PM
Yes same. No I don't take anything. I've had it for 2 years now. It gets worse when I'm in a store, my vision goes like slow motion and I feel off balance. Do you get that too??

Yes. As weird as it sounds I feel like my eyes are moving around or back and forth when they're really not. I had weird vision problems start last June with sudden dry eyes and getting dizziness and headaches in the store. Now I have the dizziness and very low pitched ringing in my ears. Can't tell if it's anxiety or something wrong with my ears.

03-16-2014, 01:01 PM
Oh god it's awful isn't it. I don't have ringing in my ears but I get awful head symptoms and sensations.. I sometimes feel like my eyes are going crossed!!!
And even if I am sitting at a table having a meal I feel dizzy and spaced out.

03-16-2014, 01:34 PM
I've had ringing in my ears for 3-4 years. It's so odd. I've had all the ear tests and all that and they all came back normal.

03-16-2014, 01:38 PM
I've had ringing in my ears for 3-4 years. It's so odd. I've had all the ear tests and all that and they all came back normal.

Pretty sure all mine would too. I can hear just fine and regular noise drowns out the ringing and sometimes it even stops that's why I'm so confused if it's anxiety or not? This sucks though lol!!

03-18-2014, 03:25 AM
I had so much dizziness today and just the odd feeling I get like my brain is being squeezed. So odd!!

03-18-2014, 04:18 AM
I have the same as well.

Sometimes my brain just feels so squeezed and weird and I feel quite dizzy like I am not able to walk anymore.
It is a very scary and disturbing symptom because there isn't much you can do while having it. I just wonder how you can get rid of that dizzy sensation.

03-18-2014, 04:21 AM
I have the same as well. Sometimes my brain just feels so squeezed and weird and I feel quite dizzy like I am not able to walk anymore. It is a very scary and disturbing symptom because there isn't much you can do while having it. I just wonder how you can get rid of that dizzy sensation.

I get the exact same feeling. Almost like a drunk feeling but weirder!!! And yes if I'm at work I'll worry I won't be able to walk when I have to get up!!

03-18-2014, 10:25 AM
I get a feeling like I just got off a roller coaster. Kind of a tipsy leaning to one side feeling. I'm thinking it's an issue with my jaw that's affecting my ears.

03-18-2014, 12:47 PM
I get a feeling like I just got off a roller coaster. Kind of a tipsy leaning to one side feeling. I'm thinking it's an issue with my jaw that's affecting my ears.
Funny you say that as I have TMJ. My jaw is always out of place and clicks.

03-18-2014, 01:01 PM
Funny you say that as I have TMJ. My jaw is always out of place and clicks.

Read up on all the affects having tmjd can do. It's awful. I've known I've had problems for awhile now but when the ear and dizziness stuff started I read on it again and sure enough it can cause the symptoms we have. I'm not too dizzy today and if I don't think about it it doesn't seem to bother me much but I'm pretty sure it has to do with that. My uncle and a couple cousins all have problems with their jaw as well. My uncles has locked up quite often. Luckily mine hasn't but it's clenched all day long, I used to wake up with awful headaches, I get shooting pains in my ear(s),my jaw deviates to the right side and I have a big overbite, and now all this fun stuff haha. Anyway, all the muscles and nerves in that area can affect each other.

03-18-2014, 01:02 PM
As soon as I get insurance or can afford the out of pocket cost I'm going to go into a tmj dentist and see what to do now. The over the counter night guards make me gag!

03-18-2014, 01:07 PM
Interesting. Mine locks sometimes too but everyday it clicks because it's out of place. I should go and see my dentist!!