View Full Version : Eye Tricks !

03-15-2014, 10:29 AM
I created this so we can all see what eye tricks we have and be able to share who knows might just make some people feel better , i myself struggle with eye tricks everyday like objects feel like their moving or I'll see my iphone and suddenly the letters look bigger and than go back to normal after some time . These are just very few of them i have many more . Please Feel Free to share ! Thank You may you have a anxiety free day (:

03-15-2014, 10:40 AM
Blurry vision was a massive one for me. People would think I was a bit of a pervert cos I starred at them so much. Ugh. It wasn't that I was just trying to focus my eyes, they were so blurry. Embarassing.

Seeing big yellow spots. I used to see yellow spots on the road and the pavement.

Wiggly worm wall. You know the one where the wall looks like it's made of worms that are wiggling.

And photo sensitivity was really bad for me. I used to wear sunglasses even in February. :)

03-15-2014, 10:48 AM
Omg lol ! I get you i get blurry vision and have to blink a few times until i get my regular eye again haha i usually look at the floor though but i look at the wall and feel it is coming towards me but it isnt anyway i hope soon these eye tricks go away it is crazy what anxiety can do to a person !

03-15-2014, 10:49 AM
I get these too- I have eye floaters and blurry vision. I convinced myself last fall that I had MS. I still want to get an MRI to see what's up.

03-15-2014, 10:56 AM
I get these too- I have eye floaters and blurry vision. I convinced myself last fall that I had MS. I still want to get an MRI to see what's up. how many floaters do you get ? I have ALOT like they are literally scattering everywhere like a television when it doesnt get signal i keep thinking it may not be anxiety related and i think cancer or whatever which gives me more anxiety

03-15-2014, 10:57 AM
I get floaters when I'm on my laptop every day. Fluoxetine gave me horrible blurry vision. when i on my computer i see floater because of the white background too sometimes i turn down the brightness so that it wont bother me as much

03-15-2014, 10:59 AM
Do you use flux? Flux is good for eyestrain. Can't get it on the ipad I don't think though :-/

Imagine the eye symptoms anxietycats avatar gets. Just look at those eyes.

03-15-2014, 11:06 AM
I remember when I first started seeing flashes and floaters, I didn't know whether to call the doctor or the ghostbusters. I am a long time eyeglass and contacts user so of course I should have attributed them to wearing my contact lenses for too long, but nope, due to my anxiety and panic I immediately thought "Stroke!". But once I was able to beat anxiety, and panic, guess what? They both went away. It is truly amazing what anxiety can do to one's body!

03-15-2014, 12:05 PM
I often experience "visual snow" and sometimes I see distortions when I'm looking at a computer, almost like someone is "stirring" the computer screen. I also get visual "fog" where everything seems like it's darker than it's supposed to be, almost like I'm having a mild blackout that I'm stuck in, if that makes sense.