View Full Version : Do you think parts of our brain that make us anxious ever get tired of it?

03-15-2014, 06:45 AM
Run out of energy for a little while??

Back last summer, I had super anxiety for about 2 months, then it just kind of went away for another 4 months for no obvious reason, then it came back again..

03-15-2014, 09:48 AM
I don't think that any certain part runs out of anxiety promoting energy, I think that the part that causes the anxiety was satisfied with how things were or appeared....
So, you got a short break and reprieve from it...

Have a great day!!

Enduronman.. :)

03-15-2014, 10:19 AM
I don't know about any specific part of the brain, but my doctor told me that anxiety takes a lot of the nutrients in your body, so she recommended that I take multivitamins and vitamin d (I was low on it) to help me stay replenished. So anxiety in one sense, really does take a lot of energy out of you.

03-15-2014, 11:24 AM
It may be stressors in life that trigger it again, that is why when it goes away, you have to solidify and makes yourself truly believe that they are gone for good, it is during this dormant stage that you must make the biggest strides in defeating anxiety and panic attacks.

03-15-2014, 11:48 AM
I have one friend who used to get panic attacks all the time, and she said that eventually she just got completely exhausted by it and fed up with constantly worrying about it. After that, her attacks just kind of stopped. Anxiety is part mental and part physical, so there's definitely something to the idea that mental exhaustion with the symptoms can contribute to a more healthy "brain chemistry" that helps you break free from the illness.

03-15-2014, 01:58 PM
Interesting, well I never am quite sure when these periods will go away, but thy do say anxiety doesn't last, it comes back again but nice to know it dissipates once in a while.