View Full Version : Major anxiety before work. PLEASE HELP!!
03-14-2014, 07:24 PM
I've been going through a very rough time lately. Major episodes all the time. I don't know why but the thought of going to work. (Blackjack dealer in Vegas) scares the hell out of me everyday. I took my standard three Ativan today but woke up before work in sheer terror. I immediately took a .5 mg of Xanax. Calming a little, BUT WHY AM I LIKE THIS. I've read all the books, am on Lexapro and just started Lamictal. I know all the answers but one. When will it get better.
03-14-2014, 07:36 PM
What's up bro..I hear you man I was in a dark anxiety ridden hole for awhile completely untriggered my body just started freaking out on me even when my mind knew what it was and was calm. It just advice I can give that was given to me by many reputable people is instead if trying to get it to go away and fix it just let it ride and keep going to work hard as it is sometimes the only thing that works better then meds is keeping your mind occupied. Something that helps me is keeping myself almost exhausted with gym work whatever..when anxiety is at it's worst it's better to be half exhausted most of the time because then even anxiety takes second place. Hope it helps man this shit is no joke unless you've walked in those shoes people just don't quite get it.
03-14-2014, 10:21 PM
Thanks man. I did feel better when I used to go to the gym. Just have to find the motivation.
03-14-2014, 10:27 PM
For sure man even though the gym is the last place you'd want to be, feeling like that if you can sneak it on every other day when you feel alright long term should help. Anyway good luck bro.
03-14-2014, 11:33 PM
Because not many ppl like work anyway. And you are stuck there for the day, being your boss's slave. and being confined is tough on an anxiety sufferer.
The anxiety is natural really...but you could try taking a hot shower I the morning before you go to soothe the muscles, or if you have time, a brisk walk.
03-15-2014, 06:17 AM
Geez a Vegas black jack dealer! With a warning first I am an avoidant personality type ok so you can take what I'm saying and weigh that into my thoughts here. That being said I do believe my question has some validity. That's because all adjustments are not bad adjustments. Avoiding some things can be beneficial rather than detrimental to our health and well being. Do you work in one of those huge noisy bells ringing and change clunking type of casinos? Never been to Vegas so going on the telly here! That is a LOT of sensory stimulation in that environment. That's ok though but you also take several meds to primarily just calm your whole system down right? What an uphill battle those meds have! It's like when you see everything going beserk on the stock exchange floor. I will pay an anxiety sufferer a million bucks to spend the day there and not require meds to do it ok. Disclaimer. I don't have a million bucks....or even 10 bucks today lol :) I just ask, is this the environment that your overstimulated body and mind is best suited to? No judging. Just asking :)
Interesting that you ask that Frankie. I was in our local casino the other day and totally felt the sensory overload, usually I can go there with no issue.
Thinking that when in a heightened anxiety cycle sensory overload can very easily upset the balance even further,
03-15-2014, 11:14 AM
It will get better in time, A little piece of advice I can offer, is to practice your blackjack dealing at home. First by yourself, then do it with your friends, repeat it until you just view it as something else to do in your regular life. You may be placing too much emphasis on the workplace stressors of working in a loud and fast paced environment. Think of your job as something fun, you get to interact with very interesting people from all over the world, and I'm sure the tips are not bad as well :-) Wish you lots of luck!
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