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03-14-2014, 02:34 PM
Hey guys!
I'm still really optimistic. And my anxiety isn't very bad right now. But I'm having so many problems being able to even stand upright. Vision goes black and I have to lay down, not even just sit down. My blood pressure is evvvverryyyywhere... and I Cant focus. The doctor is now looking for tumors and brain problems. I really actually miss the days where she said. Nothings wrong. Now she is concerned. And I just get to live through the symptoms and my insurance sucks!!! My heart rate blood pressure and state of mind can't be stable. What the Heck else am I supposed to do. Losing hope. Not scared. Just drained if all the positive because I keep getting knocked on my ass. Haven't worjed in a week and If I don't work, we won't have anywhere to live. So. I'm not giving up on finding my answer. But I wanted to tell you all the truth of today. What is wrong with me????

03-14-2014, 02:39 PM
Hey guys! I'm still really optimistic. And my anxiety isn't very bad right now. But I'm having so many problems being able to even stand upright. Vision goes black and I have to lay down, not even just sit down. My blood pressure is evvvverryyyywhere... and I Cant focus. The doctor is now looking for tumors and brain problems. I really actually miss the days where she said. Nothings wrong. Now she is concerned. And I just get to live through the symptoms and my insurance sucks!!! My heart rate blood pressure and state of mind can't be stable. What the Heck else am I supposed to do. Losing hope. Not scared. Just drained if all the positive because I keep getting knocked on my ass. Haven't worjed in a week and If I don't work, we won't have anywhere to live. So. I'm not giving up on finding my answer. But I wanted to tell you all the truth of today. What is wrong with me????

Does the doc think the blackouts and the heart are related or separate issues?

03-14-2014, 02:46 PM
They don't think they are related...necessarily...because my heart rate is everywhere....but it is normal rhythm. She just said she basically now has to start testing for everything. This is so awful. I'd give anything to have anxiety only again. I'm getting so frustrated. With anxiety I used to deal with it by Just pushing forward, and it would go away. This isn't the same. Gets worse If I try to do anything.

03-14-2014, 03:12 PM

I'm sorry you are so frustrated! Can't imagine what you are going through.

If you need to lie down, then do it! If you need to stay at home then do it.

You will find your answers! Maybe not today but they will come.

I'm being positive for you today!

You will get up off your ass when your body is ready to get up!

Big huggggs!

03-14-2014, 03:50 PM
They don't think they are related...necessarily...because my heart rate is everywhere....but it is normal rhythm. She just said she basically now has to start testing for everything. This is so awful. I'd give anything to have anxiety only again. I'm getting so frustrated. With anxiety I used to deal with it by Just pushing forward, and it would go away. This isn't the same. Gets worse If I try to do anything.

Have they put you on anything to stabilise the BP fluctuations?

Do the blackouts only occur when you stand up? i.e. Could it be that your BP drops when you stand up?

03-14-2014, 07:18 PM
Have they put you on anything to stabilise the BP fluctuations?

Do the blackouts only occur when you stand up? i.e. Could it be that your BP drops when you stand up?

^^^^^ thats what I wanted to know....... I am so sorry you are going through this. My dad works with heart patients, I could ask him if he might know what might cause this.

03-14-2014, 07:42 PM
Just spoke to my dad. He doesnt think it is a tumor....he was leaning more towards some type of inner ear unbalance, or some type of vitamin deficiency causing the drop in bp upon standing since your heart rhythm was normal. He did say that running the full battery of tests would be normal just to cover all the bases. Hope you feel better soon and keep us posted.

03-14-2014, 08:13 PM
If your blood pressure is everywhere it maybe that. I had a very similar issue when I was younger. However I was anorexic. As well as having a sever vitamin d and b deficiency.
I hope you feel better hunni.