View Full Version : Quick Question

03-14-2014, 02:01 PM
I normally just browse the forum but, lately I have been feeling some things that are causing me concern. After a bad anxiety episode in February, I sometimes get the odd feeling that something isn't right or that perhaps I'm out of it or I can't concentrate. It lasts for a second or so every time and it's very uncomfortable. Along with this, though not at the same time, I sometimes get these weird head pains, they're typically at the sides of my head and sometimes include the back of my head. They often feel like my brain is quickly squeezed or pinched, but without any pressure. These headaches too, last about a second or so before leaving, and aren't necessarily severe in pain, but uncomfortable.

The question is, does anybody else experience these symptoms? I don't know what to accurately define them as so I didn't know what to look up, or if these are related to my panic disorder. Needless to say it's just adding more stress onto my life that I could do without.

03-16-2014, 06:39 PM
Yes I get the feelings in my head both on the sides and at the back like it's being squeezed. Very weird feeling. Scares me at first but I notice it more when I clench my jaw so figured it was due to that. Do you clench at all. Lots of muscles connected to the head and jaw. I have a hard time not clenching my jaw. It's almost a natural state for my jaw to do it and i have to tell myself to stop.

03-16-2014, 08:55 PM
Oh my goodness, yes I got this when my anxiety and panic attacks first started.
I now get weird feelings in my head like brain shaking or swimming a lot. I also feel like muscles on my head move vibrate. I have read that is common for anxiety.

My symptoms are all head related and scare the crap out of me

03-17-2014, 01:31 PM
Thanks for your input everyone, I'm feeling a bit better about the head sensation!

"Yes I get the feelings in my head both on the sides and at the back like it's being squeezed. Very weird feeling. Scares me at first but I notice it more when I clench my jaw so figured it was due to that. Do you clench at all. Lots of muscles connected to the head and jaw. I have a hard time not clenching my jaw. It's almost a natural state for my jaw to do it and i have to tell myself to stop. "

I don't think I clench my jaw all that often, though I never really paid attention to it. It happened a lot more when my neck was stiff though, so maybe that had something to do with it?

The concentration/out of it feelings are happening everyday though, and are more frequent and longer. It's a bit worrying but I'll assume it's a part of some kind of dizziness like forwells said.

03-17-2014, 01:55 PM
If you look up sternocleidomastoid strain you'll see it has a lot of symptoms you may be experiencing due to strained muscles in the neck. It can explain a lot of my symptoms too including the dizziness and ringing in the ears I get but again that can also be blamed on my tmjd as well. It has exercises you can do to help relieve the strain. Nothing scary or life threatening though :)