View Full Version : Being out of your comfort zone = triggers

03-14-2014, 11:53 AM
I have began to notice this more and more, but going places and doing things that are not in your control or new are some of my biggest anxiety triggers. For example this morning I was feeling fine, but then I found out I had to go to an event in the evening I began to feel nauseous and the usual anxiety symptoms.

What I began to notice is that while for whatever reason my brain began to tell me things like what if you fall ill surrounded by people, what if you throw up in front of your friends, what if something goes wrong and there is no easy way out. It sucks because initially I wasn't even thinking about all of this, it just started coming to me as soon as I felt my anxiety symptoms come up. Now the question is now that my body is maximum flight or fight mode should I attend the event or should I go home and let is pass? I am all down for trying to beat my fears and triggers, but the symptoms make danger feel so real.

03-14-2014, 12:00 PM
I have began to notice this more and more, but going places and doing things that are not in your control or new are some of my biggest anxiety triggers. For example this morning I was feeling fine, but then I found out I had to go to an event in the evening I began to feel nauseous and the usual anxiety symptoms. What I began to notice is that while for whatever reason my brain began to tell me things like what if you fall ill surrounded by people, what if you throw up in front of your friends, what if something goes wrong and there is no easy way out. It sucks because initially I wasn't even thinking about all of this, it just started coming to me as soon as I felt my anxiety symptoms come up. Now the question is now that my body is maximum flight or fight mode should I attend the event or should I go home and let is pass? I am all down for trying to beat my fears and triggers, but the symptoms make danger feel so real.

Go out and have fun. Don't go home

That can become a pattern, then a habit, and then full blow agoraphobia.

Read here how tough that can be

Stop trying to beat them. That's a battle that you won't win.....ever

Accept them for what they are. Scary thoughts that appear very real but your rational mind knows they are not

Listen to your rational mind instead of that bastard, Anxiety

Anxiety is always lying to you.

03-14-2014, 01:00 PM
great advice Nixon. yes you have to condition your brain that there is nothing to frighten, If anxiety creeps up, just stay put nad let it pass. just keep repeating that there are no dangers. the more you expose yourself the more you will get better. and trust me when I say...I TOTALLY relate

03-14-2014, 03:38 PM
If these kind of thoughts are relatively new then I hope with all I have you can face them out, let them come and go now. Deal with it in that manner when you are first aware this is trying to be a thing. Kneecap it.

I told no one, had no internet resources, no support, medical intervention, begun a coping system of denial and avoid in equal unhealthy measures. 26 years ago! I'm having the fight of my life now as I try and cope from my agoraphobia. I desperately want to live my life. 26 years is a big grip on my thoughts and behaviour. I'm trying as I can. Advice....kneecap it and it can't take your life away.

Best wishes.


I didn't want to call you out, Frankie but you were who I was thinking of

But I knew you would be here to chime in son after

I still can't imagine how bad it WAS for you. Even at my worst, it was better than that

That is why I am always happy to see your tooling around the neighborhood stories

03-14-2014, 04:28 PM
You can call me out plenty Nixon. It is my truth whether I like it or not. I see these things just developing on people and I just feel so much worry for them. We've both said before if only we had access to a place like this early on right. Knowledge us power after all. I never knew how to fight what I did not understand. I can just cry when I think about all the wrong turns I have made that lead me to how my life looks today. Sorry, don't mean I'm wanting a pity party. I just wish I understood what was happening early on and it would have been a very different life story. I have to have hope things will get better. I know it doesn't happen without major hard work. I'm doing quite a lot of research right now. My ignorance and denial has been my biggest obstruction and right now it's time I learn what I should have known before now.


You have no idea how much I admire you.

If sheer determination and perseverance were Olympic sports you would be draped in more gold than your neck could handle.

You have smashed away your road blocks, and are educating yourself, looking for your holy grail!

It is within your grasp now, the occasional detour and speed bump will come along, but you will handle them with the same dogged determination.

And through all this you are kind and generous with your time and words here to help others!

Something to be proud of and admired!

I'm proud to call you a friend, I'll always be here for you when you need a little lift.


03-14-2014, 05:44 PM
You can call me out plenty Nixon. It is my truth whether I like it or not. I see these things just developing on people and I just feel so much worry for them. We've both said before if only we had access to a place like this early on right. Knowledge us power after all. I never knew how to fight what I did not understand. I can just cry when I think about all the wrong turns I have made that lead me to how my life looks today. Sorry, don't mean I'm wanting a pity party. I just wish I understood what was happening early on and it would have been a very different life story. I have to have hope things will get better. I know it doesn't happen without major hard work. I'm doing quite a lot of research right now. My ignorance and denial has been my biggest obstruction and right now it's time I learn what I should have known before now.

If you were ever wondering why you have went through this for so long, I believe being here is why

You know so much about that and being able to identify people beginning to fall into it and help pull out the ones that have already begun to slip in

You are able to just watch for signs then pounce on the ones who are in a bad way

It sucks that it had to be you

But many on here are already glad it was you

You will literally save people's lives here

Lucky to have you part of the group