View Full Version : Derealization and Klonopin!

03-14-2014, 11:44 AM
So I know that benzos can mess with memory and depression when taken long term. I've been on 3mg of Klonopin for 6 months, more or less. I started tapering about two months ago and now I'm down to 1mg per day. Is there a possibility that when the Klonopin is out of my system, my body will be able to fight the derealization more effectively? I started taking Klonopin and it helped with the DR a lot but I built up my tolerance and now it just makes me feel as close to normal as I can get on pharmaceuticals. I'm also on Zoloft and plan on getting off of that. I really just want to heal my anxiety the natural way. Call me a hippie but I'd rather take supplements, meditate, and do yoga than just confuse my brain with drugs. Any advice? And what supplements would best combat anxiety and/or derealization?

03-14-2014, 11:54 AM
So I know that benzos can mess with memory and depression when taken long term. I've been on 3mg of Klonopin for 6 months, more or less. I started tapering about two months ago and now I'm down to 1mg per day. Is there a possibility that when the Klonopin is out of my system, my body will be able to fight the derealization more effectively? I started taking Klonopin and it helped with the DR a lot but I built up my tolerance and now it just makes me feel as close to normal as I can get on pharmaceuticals. I'm also on Zoloft and plan on getting off of that. I really just want to heal my anxiety the natural way. Call me a hippie but I'd rather take supplements, meditate, and do yoga than just confuse my brain with drugs. Any advice? And what supplements would best combat anxiety and/or derealization? Thanks!:)

Same answer as before, Patches

You keep focusing on trying to rid yourself of a symptom instead of the anxiety itself

Will it help if you are off the meds?. Maybe. But that would more likely be due to the fact that you have put so much pressure on yourself to do this medication free, you just feel less stressed off of them so your anxiety loosens a bit. Nth em so will the dp/dr

The dr will stop when the anxiety is in check, not the other way around

03-14-2014, 12:35 PM
And seeing as Forwells is quizzing, mind if I ask something real quick ;)

How old are you?

How did you get on 3mg of Kpin a day?

I think that's equivalent to like 60mg of Valium give or take. That's a lot!!

03-14-2014, 04:23 PM
Dear Patches,

First, if you've tapered down to 1 mg a day, then you should be proud of what you've accomplished. That act, in and of itself, would seem to me to be a validation of your own realization or rationalization. That is to say, Patches, that you are effecting change in your life.
I would suggest that you do yoga, meditate, and take supplements now. All of these means of reducing stress, including therapy, should be utilized -- in tandem with medication.
Now, as far as memory and depression, I've been on klonopin for 19 years, at 1mg. I do not think the drug in any way impaired my memory or my brain's cognitive functions.

03-14-2014, 04:56 PM
Got one for you. I was on 8 mg of Klonapin a day. Quit cold turkey and had a massive nervous breakdown. Although 8mg is a lot, a real lot. If it ain't broke don't fix it . If the meds are giving you peace that so many of us on this site strive desperately to attain, then stick with them, just at the minimum dosage that helps you.

03-14-2014, 09:51 PM
Srm1135 8mg a day? That is unreal...and cold turkey? I'm surprised you didn't have a grand mal seizure let alone regular multiple seizures. I can't fathom the idea of a doctor prescribing 8mg of clonazepam a day nor getting off it cold turkey.

Patches - supplements yes they will make all the difference! Magnesium Glycinate - Suntheanine(L- Theanine), GABA, and DLPA & some B-Vitamins. This combo would be extremely effective - it has worked wonders for me and several friends who have finally exhausted every option and decided to spend a few bucks and listen to me.