View Full Version : I cant shake this feeling

03-14-2014, 07:51 AM
Have been on zoloft for 2 full weeks today (50mg) .. I know that it takes much longer then that for it to start working but what to do until then?! I have managed with the side effects and those are very minimal now .. Just small head ache ,,, (I go back to my doctor Monday) since yesterday morning I have felt like a wreck, I am filled to the brim with anxiety and irritation (not angry or sad) it's so up there that I feel I'm on the verge of having a panic attack but thankfully have not had one. I have done my best to remain calm breathing techniques .. Yoga .. Walking .. Lots of water .. Relaxed .. Chatted with a friend for a bit .. Anxiety still remains high .. Does any one feel like this .. Will it wear off soon .. Any ideas?

03-14-2014, 07:52 AM
On top off that it's is my youngest sons 3rd bday tomorrow and I want to make it as special as I can for him .. Not wanting to make it about my self in any way ..

03-14-2014, 07:55 AM
And even the night time was no relief ... Arm pain and vivid dreams .. Jolted awake feeling worried and like I would faint .. Just a whole bunch of unwanted craziness for me

03-14-2014, 08:38 AM
And even the night time was no relief ... Arm pain and vivid dreams .. Jolted awake feeling worried and like I would faint .. Just a whole bunch of unwanted craziness for me


In a word....benzodiazepines!!! When you see your doc Monday ask for some Ativan, Xanax or the like.

It will really take the edge off until the other meds kick in.

What you are feeling is not unusual for starting AD's.

You are going to do just fine, and you will give your son a great birthday!

Hope the rest of your day goes well.


03-14-2014, 09:02 AM
Zoloft side effects for me have been, sweating a lot during panic. Orgasm, much less at first. Depersonilization feelings in place of full blown attacks that normally cause muscle tightening, tingling, and noticeable heart racing, (a full blown panic attack on Zoloft for me is almost more disturbing than how it normally feels without it).. Other than that, it's okay for me.

03-14-2014, 11:08 AM
Have been on zoloft for 2 full weeks today (50mg) .. I know that it takes much longer then that for it to start working but what to do until then?! I have managed with the side effects and those are very minimal now .. Just small head ache ,,, (I go back to my doctor Monday) since yesterday morning I have felt like a wreck, I am filled to the brim with anxiety and irritation (not angry or sad) it's so up there that I feel I'm on the verge of having a panic attack but thankfully have not had one. I have done my best to remain calm breathing techniques .. Yoga .. Walking .. Lots of water .. Relaxed .. Chatted with a friend for a bit .. Anxiety still remains high .. Does any one feel like this .. Will it wear off soon .. Any ideas?

That's so weird!! So glad i've found this post! I've been on zoloft the same length of time as you, i didn't have much side effects but i also feel on the verge of a big full blown panic attack! I've not had one in over 2 years. I keep telling myself i'll be fine, just try brush it off as best i can. I'm scared incase i loose my mind, i don't know why.. i feel so anxious!

03-14-2014, 01:36 PM
Well coming on here and hearing others input and hearing that others are going through the same thing feels a bit better ... I'm really hoping that these meds start to work soon .. At least we made it through the two weeks let's hope workin up to week 3 becomes much easier then the week before!

03-14-2014, 03:15 PM
I don't have any benzos but I will be seeing my doc on Monday and will have to talk about with her thank you for the help :)

03-14-2014, 03:30 PM
Well coming on here and hearing others input and hearing that others are going through the same thing feels a bit better ... I'm really hoping that these meds start to work soon .. At least we made it through the two weeks let's hope workin up to week 3 becomes much easier then the week before!

Every day gets easier , with the odd speed bump!

The meds are probably starting a wee bit now! You're well on your way!

Your attitude will get you far!

03-14-2014, 08:21 PM
Just be careful with benzos they are quite addictive. But they do help.

03-15-2014, 10:54 PM
I just want to stop and take the time to thank everyone for their kind words, advice and support with the questions and threads I have written .. You are all great and wanted to let everyone know that while my anxiety was still at a high, my youngest son had an awesome birthday.! All focus was on him and I couldn't have wished for anything better.. This site really does help!

03-16-2014, 05:10 AM
I just want to stop and take the time to thank everyone for their kind words, advice and support with the questions and threads I have written .. You are all great and wanted to let everyone know that while my anxiety was still at a high, my youngest son had an awesome birthday.! All focus was on him and I couldn't have wished for anything better.. This site really does help!

You are welcome Nikki!

You are doing well. Keep it up.

So glad that you son had a great birthday!!!
