View Full Version : Just how long does it take for Zoloft to kick in?
03-14-2014, 07:31 AM
After you take it at a certain time of day, does it take an hour or more to kick in? I take mine at dinner time, I don't feel instantly relaxed upon taking it. Eventually I relax more, but I'm not sure if that happens because I ate, and it's getting to evening, towards the end of the day and I'm already getting tired or what?
Forwells? Anyone else know?
03-14-2014, 07:46 AM
It doesn't ever kick in Cherry.
It's a serotonin regulator. It works long term to ensure your serotonin stays at a stable level.
SSRIs have no real short term benefits whatsoever.
If you feel better after certain doses it may just be coincidence, or be psychosomatic.
03-14-2014, 07:58 AM
Usually 6-8 weeks to show any real changeout keeps getting better months after that
I believe Effexor is the shortest at 4-6 weeks
Just a warning if you just started taking SSRI's: due to how the brain works, there's a chance the antidepressants will make you feel worse for the first couple weeks. It's only temporary, however, and afterwards it should start benefitting you. Just be careful for now, and remember that the negative thoughts you have will pass eventually.
03-14-2014, 08:26 AM
Dear Apple,
Jessed03 and NixonRulz are correct. It's not the kind of drug that has an instantaneous effect. I will say that within days of taking it I did notice my appetite increase. "Sleep, energy, or appetite may show some improvement within the first 1-2 weeks. Improvement in these physical symptoms can be an important early signal that the medication is working. Depressed mood and lack of interest in activities may need up to 6-8 weeks to fully improve." - as quoted from
03-14-2014, 08:40 AM
I was just under the impression it wears a bit after 22 hours. Plus, I saw a youtube vid of a girl freaking out due to being out of Zoloft for a few days, she was in tears worrying. But I suppose it's true, it's not a benzo. I can say it doesn't make my mood better, but I don't get nearly as much tingling and adrenalin boiling my bowels like I used to due to the anxiety.
03-14-2014, 08:44 AM
On that thought why does adrenalin boil your bowels? It's like you literally hear the bubble up and the next minute you're running to the toilet..
03-14-2014, 08:52 AM
On that thought why does adrenalin boil your bowels? It's like you literally hear the bubble up and the next minute you're running to the toilet..
To make you lighter so you can run faster from a predator lol
If you get problems after 22 hours, you can cut your dose in half and take one, then take the other half two hours later. That way you'll always have some in your system. For most it isn't a problem at all, but if you think you're sensitive it may help.
03-14-2014, 09:10 AM
If it makes you lighter than what do you do if you're stuck in a dark ally with no access to a toilet?
03-14-2014, 11:22 AM
If it makes you lighter than what do you do if you're stuck in a dark ally with no access to a toilet?
I believe in that case, you would just be shit out of luck. LOL
03-14-2014, 11:35 AM
Pretty much! That's probably a further degree to my agoraphobia Nixon. Why I can go a bit further at night and it's intensely challenging for me during the day.'s fucked up! Apple. As indicated above in answer to your question my first thought is thank the stars it's a DARK alley!
Probably a dumb question but I will ask you
Based on your fears, if tomorrow you woke up and you were the only person in the world but everything else was still there, would you be afraid to walk further?
03-14-2014, 11:43 AM
Anticipatory anxiety is a major problem for me so probably yes. I'm certain though if I was the only one left my depression would go into overdrive! A world without my kids and the pooch. I wouldn't last a day
I'm just proud that you listed the kids before the pooch!
We need a new photo of Zola posted on Facebook
03-14-2014, 01:03 PM
You posted in the wrong thread Kev. Here's a link to your post
That's why the short half life drugs never interested me. They seem to have too many problems attached to them. I liked the long half life ones, your Celexas, your Zolofts, your Prozacs.
A two hour gap between doses, I really can't see being a problem for anybody unless they're insanely sensitive. A 6 hour gap, yeah, I think a person can notice that. And well, on benzos you can go on a bit of a merry go round.
03-14-2014, 01:42 PM
It's so true that it takes a good 6-8 weeks. I am just getting to that mark and honestly it's been a slow slow process. I am envious of people who say they've noticed a change within a week of starting an SSRI, although as Jesse D said, it's probably all in your head that soon.
03-14-2014, 01:52 PM
Thanks .
Yes , it can be a problem . I think people should know so that they can see if it is happening .
Those benzos i took where shocking for it .
I took 6am 12 noon and 6 pm . By the time i came to the morning i was in full withdrawals . When i put 8 hours between them i felt a bit better .
What year were you put on benzos Forwells?
Was this before doctors knew about their withdrawal symptoms, or was it just complete negligence on their part? Makes me shudder to think of all the people that got sucked into the benzo trap for the very reasons you mention.
That's why Remeron was awesome. I think the half life is something stupid like upto 45 hours or something. I just used to take that whenever I wanted.
They barely prescribe the short half life antidepressants in England. You have to go through the long half life ones first before you'll even consider it. Makes sense.
03-14-2014, 01:55 PM
It's so true that it takes a good 6-8 weeks. I am just getting to that mark and honestly it's been a slow slow process. I am envious of people who say they've noticed a change within a week of starting an SSRI, although as Jesse D said, it's probably all in your head that soon.
lol cat, did I say that? I can't remember, I say a lot. :P
What I do notice a lot on here - Taking meds makes people feel like they're taking a stand, and they get a dopamine boost that helps them through a few days.... Then it runs out and they crash back to reality more disheartened than ever.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Luvox is the drug I'll try if my OCD ever becomes unmanageable again.
03-14-2014, 11:09 PM
The rough mud map shows what i mean .
You will see on the bottom one the drug starts to leave and drops the level in the blood before you take the next one .
But with the top one , if you split to every 12 hours then the level in the blood stays at a stable level and stops inter dose drops .
This is on your ADs but with a really short life benzo like i was on these dips can happen 3 or 4 times day .
The longer the half life the less it happens .
To check how you are processing the drug take notice of what happens as the day goes on . If you get sysmptoms increase 12 hours after taking it then you may well
be processing it quicker . If you have no symptoms it may be longer . If the symptoms are the same pretty much a few hours after you take it then i would say that
your level is too low for your needs and your brain is using it before getting the correct benefits of it
Gah, I know my level is too low..I am curious what a mental Heath specialist might prescribe me, and even what I'd be diagnosed with... If only I had the money for that, but I don't right now, this is all I've got. :(
I really just need an efficient anxiety zapper, and i'm good to go really.
03-15-2014, 05:27 AM
Gah, I know my level is too low..I am curious what a mental Heath specialist might prescribe me, and even what I'd be diagnosed with... If only I had the money for that, but I don't right now, this is all I've got. :(
I really just need an efficient anxiety zapper, and i'm good to go really.
The most efficient anxiety zappers are benzos.
03-15-2014, 06:26 AM
I know, but they tag addiction and withdrawals along with them, so I want to say as far away as I can, only taking them occasionally.
03-15-2014, 08:20 AM
jess how much where you taking ???
Oh, 30mg. Sorry.
15mg felt nicer, but I had no coping mechanisms back then. Just had to be drugged up.
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