View Full Version : Need some advice!!

03-13-2014, 04:39 PM
I've been going to College since September doing a Business course, After Christmas I had to take a month and a bit off due to my Panic attacks. I've been back in College for a month now and I am not enjoying it. I feel really left out there, I find the work too stressful and the travelling is really difficult. I don't drive, one of my biggest fears is driving, I don't know why but I'm too anxious to have lessons because I think I'm going to get a Panic attack while driving.

I have to get up 6:30 in the mornings and I don't get home until 5:30, I now catch a train to College and it takes over an hour to get there. I can't explain why but the last 3 times before I've left for College, I have been throwing up and worrying. I also have a lot of catching up to do and far behind in everything because of the time I missed. I felt like I've been pressured into taking the course because my Father said last year that a Business course would be ideal for me because he's good at Business.

The thing is with me though I'm thinking that Business studies is not my thing, you have to do a lot of presentations in front of the class and do a lot of teamwork, I'm a poor speaker and I worry myself when having to do a presentation. There are over 30 people in my College class, I get along with a few but there is nobody in my class that I feel like I can connect with. I couldn't face it today because of the fear of throwing up, receiving another Panic attack and getting stressed. My Mum had a go at me because I didn't go and she won't let me take medication for my Anxiety.

I did ICT in Sixth form for School and I enjoyed it, I feel like Business studies isn't my thing, but I feel like I'm being forced by my mother and father to do it, I just get stressed, what should I do?? Thanks

03-13-2014, 04:50 PM
Sorry to hear you're hating college so much.
This year I started studying acting at a drama school in London, and, although the daily stress, long hours, and constantly having to get up and act in front of the entire year group and teaching staff often leads to anxiety attacks, I can justify it as I love what I do-which I think is the key.
If you're putting yourself through this for a subject that you don't enjoy then for me it's a no brainer. I had to decide to go against my parents wanting me to go to uni to do this and, I think you'll probably find that if they see you happy in something else that you want to do, chances are they'll be happy as well. Is there anything you really LOVE doing and that, even if your anxiety continues, you'll enjoy yourself studying? Time to do some soul searching and decide what makes you happy, I reckon :)

03-13-2014, 04:52 PM
Don't not the business course if you are not into it

But don't not take it if it is just the fear of speaking in front of the class

That is no way to live and if you think you would enjoy a career in business, don't let anxiety screw it up

If your folks don't want you to take meds, check the new thread on natural remedies out

Much more in depth then what I remember when I was looking for a cure

03-13-2014, 04:55 PM
Hi there!

Sounds like you are in this college course to please your parents! Wow! That puts a huge stress on you.

Here's what I think. Your parents had their opportunity to choose their path in life....and they did.

You have tried to go down their path, it's not working out so well. I think you need to sit down with your parents, speak openly and honestly, tell them you have tried but this field just isn't for you.

College is about trying different things and discovering what you want to do in life and discovering who you are.

Give yourself that opportunity!

Hope your day goes better!

03-13-2014, 05:05 PM
Sorry to hear you're hating college so much.
This year I started studying acting at a drama school in London, and, although the daily stress, long hours, and constantly having to get up and act in front of the entire year group and teaching staff often leads to anxiety attacks, I can justify it as I love what I do-which I think is the key.
If you're putting yourself through this for a subject that you don't enjoy then for me it's a no brainer. I had to decide to go against my parents wanting me to go to uni to do this and, I think you'll probably find that if they see you happy in something else that you want to do, chances are they'll be happy as well. Is there anything you really LOVE doing and that, even if your anxiety continues, you'll enjoy yourself studying? Time to do some soul searching and decide what makes you happy, I reckon :)

Thanks :) I enjoy working with Computers and I'm passionate about Music, and I'm having Guitar lessons from my friend. The only thing is though if I quit now, I might have to wait until September to start another course

03-13-2014, 05:13 PM
If your parents won't let you do what you want, maybe it's time you introduced them to Charlie Gilmore?

03-13-2014, 05:14 PM
If your parents won't let you do what you want, maybe it's time you introduced them to Charlie Gilmore?

Na I think I'll pass, too much Hassle lol

03-13-2014, 05:16 PM
Lol what hear are you in anyway? Must be year 13, no?

03-13-2014, 05:17 PM
* year......

03-13-2014, 05:17 PM
If your parents won't let you do what you want, maybe it's time you introduced them to Charlie Gilmore?

I want to forget about that, I hate myself for doing that

03-13-2014, 05:17 PM
Lol what hear are you in anyway? Must be year 13, no?

I finished year 13 last year in School, I'm coming up to 19 in April :)

03-13-2014, 05:26 PM
If the College was near me I don't think I'd be stressed as much, there is another college about 10 minutes away that does Ict courses, but it didn't have Business courses available. I'm thinking of going to the one near me if my mother's willing to allow me

03-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Is you mom paying for school so you have to go where she says?

03-13-2014, 05:36 PM
Is you mom paying for school so you have to go where she says?
Since my Dad left my mother's struggling with money problems, My mother gets money for when I'm in College to show that I'm in fulltime education. If I quit she could lose a lot of money, I live with her and two younger brothers and she cannot find work at the moment, My dad still gives a bit of money I think. I feel like if I quit, I tell my mother I'm not enjoying the course, and she snaps at me. She moans at me telling me that there's no work available. I don't want to quit College completely, I just want to do an ICT course or try and get a job in an Office. I have pretty good qualifications so I shouldn't struggle too much(I hope)

03-13-2014, 05:45 PM
How long to go until you finish the course?

Why didn't you go to uni young Morgan? A world of freedom, drinking and cute experimental girls. I don't see why anyone would wanna miss out.

Plus everyone joins a band at uni, so your long hair would fit right in.

03-16-2014, 08:32 PM
How long to go until you finish the course?

Why didn't you go to uni young Morgan? A world of freedom, drinking and cute experimental girls. I don't see why anyone would wanna miss out.

Plus everyone joins a band at uni, so your long hair would fit right in.

Hey Jesse sorry for late reply, haven't been on. It's a two year course I'm doing, and I have almost finished 1 year. Uni does sound good, all the Universities are far away though so I'm thinking of overcoming my fear of driving and try to get lessons ASAP.