View Full Version : First time here - Need some help.

04-15-2008, 07:58 AM
Hey all,

I'm 19 and have had severe anxiety since elementary school. I was on anti-depressants all throughout my childhood but stopped taking them a few years back. I'm here because I really don't know where else to go, and haven't really had an open relationship with my parents or anyone that I can talk to. My anxiety is starting to control my life.. I wake up for work in the morning shaking at the fear of just simply having a bad day. I don't go out with my friends anymore, I'd prefer to just sleep or lay in bed. I want to move out and travel and see the world, but I can't go even an hour away from home without having a panic attack and being out of my element. My whole life I've been extremely paranoid, and if something with my health seems wrong I make up these delusional thoughts and blow things way out of proportion, only to later find out that it was nothing. I have decent health benefits through my job so seeing somebody is possible, but in all my past experiences it has really done nothing for me... I guess I came here for some kind of comfort or understanding, and any advice on how I can overcome this problem that has been slowly taking over my life.

Thank you for reading

04-15-2008, 08:17 AM
welcome eck :wave: first off i want to say that you came to a great place to get advice and comfort...i too have been suffering from anxiety since i was 12...ive tried taking meds but i didnt like the way they made me feel (others might have suggestions that do work) and i also tried therapy and wasnt very impressed with the outcome...i cant really talk to my family either they just dont understand they just say oh you worry too much or stop thinking about it...they dont realize its easier said that done...i wake up in the morning worrying how im going to get through the day and i have a bit of social anxiety which keeps me from doing things with friends etc...this may sound weird but im 25 now and am glad because im getting older so that way i wont look like a "loser" if i stay home because when your younger the stereotype is your uncool if you sit at home...at least where im from...anxiety has control over my life too what i do who i see...its frustrating and scary and to talk to someone who is going through it too helps alot my mind never stops if i worry about something my mind races to find all these reasons for it which most of the time are irrational but the anxiety gets the best of me and i start to believe they are true i have obssesive thoughts i get chest pain sweating cant breath heart racing over something that most likely wont ever happen its horrible so anyway i hope this helps and so sorry to hear about your anxiety but we are all here to talk :)