View Full Version : Tired of all this sh*t...

03-13-2014, 01:18 PM

I'm so stressed because I failed on a test and I usually get a high grade. I'm going to do another test and I'm worried I might fail, I can't stay asleep because I'm so f***ing nervous.

My bpm is high(around 100bpm), constantly, all day, every day. I'm having heart palps all day. My chest is starting to hurt and I doubt it's my chest muscles. I know the difference, this is feeling all the way to my back.

I'm not getting any sleep at all. I feel as if I'm going to die any second. I've been to the doc and did some tests. Everything was fine, but that was almost 2 months ago. I've tried everything. Distract myself, not think about it but it's still high. Any techniques or methods to get it down?

I'm going to make an appointment with my doc if this goes on for more than 2 weeks. I need a beta-blocker or some sh*t.

03-13-2014, 02:23 PM
Sorry you're dealing with that. I deal with palpitations too and things have been very stressful lately. Are you on any anxiety meds? If not, I would suggest talking with your doc. Sometimes your body needs help, you need a break from the worry to rest and recover. Hopefully, you have some people you can talk to who can help talk you down from the anxiety. I know it's rough, but the more you stress in your mind, the more your body is going to react. Make time to go for a walk. Just clear your head and focus on the scenery around you. At night, put on some relaxing music, maybe soak in a tub of hot water. I usually turn out the bathroom lights, light candles around the tub and just lay back and relax, letting my mind and body rest. Laughter is good too. If you can read something funny, watch a funny movie or ask somebody around you to help lighten the mood, that helps me a lot. Don't beat yourself up and stop worrying about failing the test. You get another chance, so put that behind you. No need to worry about what's already in the past. Just focus on the present, don't worry over the future. You have to train your mind to live in the now. You do that by taking things one step at a time. Just tell yourself you are going to be just fine, this is just a little bump in the road, it will get better. Every time you find yourself worried over past and future things, just stop, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are focusing only on right now. Hope you are feeling better soon. Be strong. You can do this. You are well. You are blessed. Remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Write them down and post them somewhere as a reminder. Anxiety will only control you if you give it all the attention it craves. Don't fall for it. I guarantee you are fine and healthy. Of course your muscles and chest are sore. That's what sustained tension will do. A good massage might be a great start. Find a good spa and treat yourself to at least an hour. Trust me, it's money well spent and much less expensive than a doctor.

03-13-2014, 02:35 PM
Sorry you're dealing with that. I deal with palpitations too and things have been very stressful lately. Are you on any anxiety meds? If not, I would suggest talking with your doc. Sometimes your body needs help, you need a break from the worry to rest and recover. Hopefully, you have some people you can talk to who can help talk you down from the anxiety. I know it's rough, but the more you stress in your mind, the more your body is going to react. Make time to go for a walk. Just clear your head and focus on the scenery around you. At night, put on some relaxing music, maybe soak in a tub of hot water. I usually turn out the bathroom lights, light candles around the tub and just lay back and relax, letting my mind and body rest. Laughter is good too. If you can read something funny, watch a funny movie or ask somebody around you to help lighten the mood, that helps me a lot. Don't beat yourself up and stop worrying about failing the test. You get another chance, so put that behind you. No need to worry about what's already in the past. Just focus on the present, don't worry over the future. You have to train your mind to live in the now. You do that by taking things one step at a time. Just tell yourself you are going to be just fine, this is just a little bump in the road, it will get better. Every time you find yourself worried over past and future things, just stop, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are focusing only on right now. Hope you are feeling better soon. Be strong. You can do this. You are well. You are blessed. Remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Write them down and post them somewhere as a reminder. Anxiety will only control you if you give it all the attention it craves. Don't fall for it. I guarantee you are fine and healthy. Of course your muscles and chest are sore. That's what sustained tension will do. A good massage might be a great start. Find a good spa and treat yourself to at least an hour. Trust me, it's money well spent and much less expensive than a doctor.

Thank you, that's very good advices.

I took a break from everything for 3 months and now I'm getting back into it because my anxiety wasn't bothering me too much anymore. I don't know if it was a big mistake though. I'm having so much to do in school, I'm moving soon, I need to plan that too. I'm also going to start working after the summer. All this + my anxiety. This is why I'm so stressed, I have so much to carry on my shoulders :/ My dad always says that this is what makes me a man lol. It's all just making me more anxious.

I'll go book time to get a massage or something. Once again thank you, appreciate the help :)

03-13-2014, 02:49 PM
Honestly...take a low dose beta blocker. It will help with thy palps and the rate And the adrenaline, your body is on high right now, and you probably have heartburn too from the high anxiety...that's why your having chest pain. Chest pain typically cones from a lack of oxygen to the heart. Which is definitely not happening at 100 bpm. I get chest pain at about 170. In front of Dr doctors and paramedics and know what they do? Nothing. Cuz I'm not dying. Just uncomfortable. You'll be just fine.

03-13-2014, 02:50 PM
Sorry that sounded way more frank than I meant it to be. I mean to say you will be totally fine. And I know from months of paralyzing fear.

03-13-2014, 02:54 PM
Have you tried to accept that you are going though a really shitty time and are stressed .

The worse thing you can do for anxiety is to fight it . Its like a uphill battle .

You tired any meditation .

Yes. I have accepted it long time ago. But to this day, I fear that it might stay sh*tty my whole life.

It's getting worse when it's not the only problem, much worse. You think you have control over it for one minute, then you get more problems and it only gets worse.

This is why I start fighting it. When it pushes me too much, I start fighting it. And honestly, I can now say I need meds.

If I have nothing else to deal with, no problems at all, just anxiety - I'd make it my b*tch.

But I have so much to do in my life and it'll always be like this.

Also, I don't come here just to b*tch about the same problem everytime. No. If someone here gives me solid advice, I take it and I deal with the damn thing. But again, when more problems, more things to worry over, more things that stress you up, eventually you'll feel like you need to fight it.

03-13-2014, 08:06 PM
look man dp dr is just to difficult to handle.i have problems sometimes even though i am on meds.u see it is just too strong.u need a med elias.it is not sone other thing.it is just too biological too human.messes up with u in every minute.dont know man but i am feeling way better on my med.it extremely difficult to control it