04-14-2008, 07:15 PM
If your reading this then obviously you are affected by anxeity in someway? And its hard to refrain yourself from looking up the facts and mythes of anxiety? Driving yourself crazy by constantly looking up the physical symptoms on the internet to be some kind of awful disease...

I did the exact same thing for 2 years..after the death of a very good friend of mine...more like a brother, and sure this forum helps...the re-assurance that other people are suffering with the same experiences as you...But I'de just like to share with you how i personally overcame Hypochhondria, Anxiety, Panic Disorder Agrophobia and eating/sleeping problems...

1. The most terrifying thing about anxiety is the strange physical symptoms..is a panic attack a heart attack? Is this unvoluntry shaking a seizure? And of course you dont die..after having hundreds of the bastards..Yet we still worry and panic...

What I decided to do therefore is isolate myself from my symptoms by anaylizing them. For example..if I was having a pani attack..I would concentrate on my breathing and studying each movement...this removes fear and replaces it with curiosity.

2. Exercise as you've probably already witnessed is the best source of defence over anxiety. EVERY FEAR, EVERY STRUGGLE AND EVERY DOUBT I HAD IN MY MIND I took out on the punchbag every day for an hour...it was great cardio exercise and I felt great, relaxed and drained of all the excess energy that was pacing me around each night.

I hope my struggle and success with this annoying infliction helps some of you conquer yours.

Yours Sincerely

04-14-2008, 08:12 PM
1. The most terrifying thing about anxiety is the strange physical symptoms..is a panic attack a heart attack? Is this unvoluntry shaking a seizure? And of course you dont die..after having hundreds of the bastards..Yet we still worry and panic...

I think we all differ as far as what the most terrifying thing about anxiety disorder is. Many people actually are NOT afraid of what could be causing anxiety symptoms. We KNOW what is causing them - anxiety disorder. BUT, this knowledge is not very comforting when anxiety disorder is often made out to be a MUCH more horrible condition than cancer. Just take a look at pretty much ANY website with information on anxiety by a medical group such as the National Institute of Mental Health, and you will see what I mean. When we are told that our conditions are incurable, will plague us for life, and can only be adequately treated by (among other things) unsavory medications, fear levels resulting from anxiety symptoms can REALLY soar.

04-15-2008, 03:54 AM
Kind of Irrelevant from my point, but yeh. The whole reason I posted the above was to tell people that I have overcome it, a re-assurrance, slightly contradictory to your "incurable" theory, but nonetheless its all interesting.

04-15-2008, 05:58 AM
Kind of Irrelevant from my point, but yeh. The whole reason I posted the above was to tell people that I have overcome it, a re-assurrance, slightly contradictory to your "incurable" theory, but nonetheless its all interesting.

I NEVER meant to say that anxiety IS incurable, or that you can't recover. Hell, even though the whole anxiety thing is not completely over for me, I am in a MUCH better place than I was six months to a year ago. Rather, what I meant to say is that, for whatever reason, the medical community likes to spread this kind of misinformation about anxiety disorder. Could it be because there is LOTS of money to be made from keeping people on meds for the long term? Very possible. Could it be because they really don't know HOW to cure anxiety and/or don't have the time to do so? Also very possible. Regardless, when the average anxiety sufferer reads this sort of stuff, it causes LOTS of fear. After all, NOBODY wants to be in that boat. And even if you don't truly believe what they say, you are ALWAYS going to have doubts - especially when particularly slammed by anxiety, and especially when the source appears to be so 'credible'. See what I am getting at here? My point is that anxiety condition is often made out to be a FAR bigger monster than it is, and by people who SHOULD know better.

04-15-2008, 07:31 AM
I see totally what your getting at here...but like I said its almost the opposite perspective your using to what I used. Although Anxiety really messed me about I looked it in the eye and thought 'fuck it' what will happen will happen, and Im fed up of having my life ran by this day by day...so instead of thinking "O no Anxiety is this big terrible thing O God" I went about the opposite way, and by doing that I got rid of it....its kind of like what they say if your being bullied at school..."Ignore them..they'll get bored and go away"...I didnt think about it anymore...and bye bye to the symptoms..its hard at first but fuckin easy after a bit of practice...

HENCE me sharing what worked for me with people on here...and I hope it is usful to some.

06-02-2008, 07:12 AM
What frank says is true although im suffering a small little draw back there was a point where "excuse me for saying this" i said FUCK anxiety am i this weak? I can either A let it run me Or B say fuck it i said fuck it and after a few days i kinda just didnt let it bother me and it went away after feeling alil ill at work i started to worry again and it brought some different and familure symptoms back but im just working my way back into the habbit of saying Ugh that chest pain hurt a watever anyway what were u saying? instead of saying ugh that chest pain hurt let me check my pusle oh my god my chest is beating hard i need to walk around!! oh my god im getting dizzy am i going to pass out i need to sit down why is am i so hot? What if you just say fuck it? try it next time imma beat this shit man FUCK YOU ANXIETY YOU WONT BEAT ME IM NOT WEAK