View Full Version : deliberately hurting myself

03-13-2014, 08:46 AM
I know very well that staying in my room the entire day (on my days off) makes my anxiety soar and yet I keep doing it. I refuse to leave my room and I'll just be stuck inside the entire day anxious to the maximum.
Is this some kind of non physical self harm?? Or just stubbornness. .
I just feel like im trying to hurt myself. .
When im at work im barely anxious. I just dont pay attention to it.
I think im the only person in the world that hates having days off work. I dread it every week.

03-13-2014, 11:48 AM
Your not alone hunni. I used to have a job till I went on break and had qa panic attack where I couldn't breath and lost my job. When you have nothing to do you think about everything, even irrational thoughts.